Archive for September, 2012

Saving on Meals

This is what I enjoyed when buying food in convenient store when there is sale or freebies added to the item. It is cheaper eh, I got free hot chocolate when I bought cookie in GS25, as they don’t have the dumplings that I need to buy I went to Family Mart.

While on the way I remember I have to buy chicken as well, I have no plans to buy meal but when I saw this meal I craved for it because this my favorite set of instant meal, I got free lemonade and noodles.

Buying meals with freebies is extra savings because you don’t need to buy more just to feed your hunger. You can save that amount for the next time you felt hungry again.

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KFC in Icheon Soon

We stopped walking around downtown for one week and we started walking again we are both surprised to see the Chinese Restaurant gone and a KFC to be opened soon beside the Starbucks Coffee. Dunno where’s the Chinese restaurant went.

Icheon Gyeonggi-do KFC

Probably in one more week KFC will be opened for business already. I hope soon there’s Burger King or Vips soon in Icheon.

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Street Food and Ice Cream from Baskin Robbins

We had a different treat for tonight my husband is craving for street food so I went out to buy  street food, instead of going to the old place I went to a different food shop and buy this twigim below.

After buying street food I went to Baskin Robbins and buy ice cream.

Thinking my husband might not like the street food I have bought another set of twigims on the old shop. The  daughter of the owner was there so it was easy for me to say what do I want because she can speak a little English.

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A Cat Looking For Food

The other night when I went to Family Mart I happened passed by at the garbage area and saw this cat below looking for food. I stopped and took photos of him, unlike most cat I saw in the street digging for food this cat was not afraid of me. He just let me take photos of him and continue what is he doing.

This cat is quite healthy and big,  it seems he is properly feed but he still look for food.

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Mandu, Sandwich and Chocolate Muffins

My husband craves for chicken sandwich so I went out to look for them, I ended up in two GS25 shop and didn’t find chicken sandwich and with those two shop I bought one sandwich each because I don’t want to went out on a store without buying something.

After it I went to the Mandu place which is very busy it has a lot of customer eating inside and customers waiting outside for take out, I just stand with the others while waiting for my fried dumplings. After few minutes of waiting I finally got my order and I went straight to Tae Guk Dung to buy chocolate muffins, their muffins is becoming smaller and smaller everyday.

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Caring For Your Pets

Having pets at home is like having an extended family that will always be there when you needed them. Pet owners have varying reasons why they are keeping pets at home. They believe that pets are good stress relievers as they take away negative feeling. It is also said that they offer unconditional love and are loyal to their masters. Taking care of pets also helps people, especially kids, to become responsible as their welfare are considered most of the time.

Among the many important things that one must to look into is the pet health because it says something about the overall condition of the pet. To fully enjoy your pets at home, it is important to take good care of them by letting them eat the right food and giving them enough exercise. When you think that your pet’s health is failing, you should immediately see the veterinarian so that proper care will be given. Losing our pet is like losing an important member of the family. We should give them extra care before it is too late.