My visit to Seoul today

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My self timer photo in Itaewon, thanks to the stairs.
I went to Seoul today to meet my cousin, I did not catch the one o’clock but so no choice but to got the 1:30 bus ride to Seoul. Out of my expectation the moment we enter the city its traffic, buses and cars are not moving,  the other passengers are already getting bored and they went to the driver to ask if they can just walk probably also had commitment and they are getting late. I don’t understand what they are talking but base on their movements it looks like the driver wouldn’t like the idea of letting his passengers wander in the street, maybe he is thinking he is going to be responsible if his passengers meet an accident, so we moved slowly and after few minutes the driver tell something I could not understand it again but when I saw the other passengers moving out the bus I followed. The driver is instructing something I just walk and follow the other passengers and that’s how I found that what the driver is talking about “just walk straight into the subway”. As I went into underpass I really can’t hold my pee that I’ve been holding since we enter Seoul. So I was relieved when I found a comfort room sign. I was almost lost looking for the subway station because the underpass I’ve get in was also a large shopping center below the bus terminal, so I have made my way into the group of shoppers and hurriedly load my card, as I am going down for the train I’ve seen a pay phone. So I tried dialing my cousin’s number but my coin just keep on falling in the change compartment. Running out of time because it is already three o’clock I have told my cousin we have to meet between two and three o’clock in the afternoon.
Just so lucky when I went down there’s a train going to where am I going, I get out the train walking/running I transferred to Yaksu. I also found a pay phone and I tried to dial again, it is ringing but after it  a Korean operator is saying something and my time is  running so probably its a leave a message scheme. Feeling worried I board another train to Itaewon, I just had the feeling that my cousin had already left. When I reached Itaewon I run so fast to the exit and look for a pay phone. There I have dialed and your guess is right as mine, she already left thinking I am not going to show, because when I reached our meeting place it is almost one hour after three o’clock. 
So what I am going to do then, I just came and I am also going home, it feels like I just wasted money to step in Itaewon, feeling anxious what to do I went out to Itaewon and had a short walk and take some photos then return to the subway and to the bus terminal where I came from. 
On the subway station near the terminal I went inside the newly open store I have first saw when I arrived but due to running out of time I didn’t went in, so I have a lot of free time right at the time so I shopped for some stuffs. It is going to be another blog. 
Traffic going to Seoul
To cut the story short I bought my bus ticket,  then buy some present for Pookie bear. I didn’t got the five o’clock bus, so have to wait twenty minutes for the next bus other passengers are getting confused because there’s 5:20 and there’s 5:30. The bus is almost full when a guy who checks if the bus is full or not  came to our seat (I have seatmate a Korean lass) he is showing another half of a ticket to me so I showed him my ticket he was surprised like something so he asked my seatmate and that’s where they found out my seatmate has 5:30 time on his ticket, maybe he is also number 28 and maybe he also thought I am a dork stealing his seat. Lol! Anyway I think the Korean man checked the tickets and found out there’s 5:30 time on it that’s why he came to us. 
So we left the terminal and my seat mate is already a young lady, as it is expected it’s traffic so we are informed we are going to have a detour to avoid traffic but it seems most vehicles thought the same thing so we are still stuck in traffic, our one hour bus trip became two hours and few minutes. It looks like people are going home for Chinese New Year, and enjoy the long weekend. It is going to be holiday here starting tomorrow. It’s a long weekend, Pookie bear is thinking to go to Seoul on weekend and had a buffet. There will be a grand opening of a restaurant in Itaewon, that serves sushi and international food. It is going to be a party..
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One Response to “My visit to Seoul today”

  1. w0rkingAth0mE says:

    Naku ang sad naman nyan parang nagsayang k lang talaga ng pera anyway, kala ko traffic sa pnas lang ehehe.

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