Potato and Pepperoni Pizza from 59 Pizza

We had a short walk today around the downtown. It was too cold, I wore four set of clothes so I will not feel cold while we are walking, it is better to be prepared than sorry, though I only have two sets of pants,  I mean I just wore short and then double it with my jogging pants. So while walking I can feel my legs freezing.

On the way we bought box of vitamin C, we went to Family Mart before reaching home. We just thought of buying some snacks but my husband didn’t find food that he like to eat, so I went to 59 Pizza.

When I came in the the guy was not there (probably delivering pizza), I waited until his wife came near the front desk because when I came she is very busy in front of the oven, I gave my order and sit while watching TV. I had potato pizza this time while my husband is never ending pepperoni pizza with cheesy crust.

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