Hidden Fees on Apartment Rental

Free housing/apartment is included in my husband’s contract, it was shouldered by the school. So we are not expecting any miscellaneous fee and everything but when we moved out from our old apartment we are surprised to know that we have to pay something. Yeah right, we have to pay a certain amount of money for the sensor light. The sensor light is installed in front of the building which is used by all of the people living in the building so who will thought there’s a fee for that when we are not informed when we moved in.

House and Money

[Image from worldpropertychannel.com]

Same thing happened when moved in to our new apartment, we have been living one month already when we are informed that we have to pay maintenance fee monthly that includes the used of elevator, garbage disposal, sky life and water. Now we know why we are not receiving water bill as it was bill in the whole building. As we are not using television the landlord eventually deducted the bill for sky life, with this hidden fees our budget was affected. Instead of saving the extra $$$ we have to use it for maintenance fee every month.

Originally published @ herzfinance.com
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Aparment in Shinha-ri

Before my husband accepted the new offer of the company he is working with, we visit first the school and the neighborhood to see if it is okay to live around like if there are shops, gym and other amenities around. We found a lot of luxury apartment in the neighborhood and we are hoping we could stay in any of them as the the company directors asked my husband if what type of apartment we want, is it house or officetel or what they called condotel.

So when we found that the neighborhood is friendly in terms of open access to everything my husband accepted the job and few days after his old contract expired we move to Shinha-ri.

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Cleaning and Organizing the Apartment

It just started by my things filing up in the closet, small towels, unused brassiere and underwear’s that are still packed on their little pouch. My husband noticed that the stuff on the little board is getting heavier and it might lost control and will result to a big mess.

So he removed the makeshift board at top and transfer the underwear’s and socks to floor cabinet, and the things on the floor cabinet to the built-in cabinet near the main door and my junk in the built-in cabinet to trash can and box.


It took me so long to segregate things as everything are precious to me, we ended up throwing the red food cover given to us by Nonghyup Supermarket, the old scale, old umbrella and my old sandals then after cleaning we went shopping to Lotte Super, we shopped mostly vegetables I’ll blog it to my food blog if not today maybe tomorrow.

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