Home and Living December 14th, 2015 | No Comments »
Christmas is different this year; I have blogged last year that Christmas isn’t so merry and I think it is even worst this year. If I only knew that last year is a way better than today, I wouldn’t complained at all.
Well, since October, there’s already few carolers came to our house singing Christmas songs, found a few in the streets as well unlike last year there’s only one who got lost in front of our house and it is almost Christmas time when it happened. Today, the town is well adorned with Christmas lanterns and lights and there is a Christmas Bazaar in town too this year compare to last year with no decoration at all, so how on earth I say Christmas is even worst this year when some of the things missing last year were here today? Well, Santa knows it all…

We don’t have Christmas tree this year; it is quite obnoxious to have one. Anyway, last night when I am alone at home since my family is in town, carolers came by and without money to hand over to them I took the only money in my wine bank, yes it is empty now, and then I also gave the sole income from the ice packs, gladly someone bought 3 ice packs before they came or else I will just remain silent inside our house, when they left I have heard the kid with them asked the person who received the money on how much did I gave to them. LOL
[ Tagged In ] Christmas 2015, Christmas Depression, Christmas Dinner, Sad and Lonely Christmas
Home and Cooking November 4th, 2013 | No Comments »
Every one of us wish to have that ideal Christmas dinner, with complete family members, sumptuous foods, amazing gifts and festive mood. However, the amount of money that you have to spent to create an amazing dinner for the whole family can really drive you insane. Before you get stressed just thinking about it, this article will help you make Christmas festivities fun yet within budget.
Saving Up for Christmas
There are lots of ways you can make extra money to finance your Christmas festivities. The first and easiest way to do Is to scour your house for any CDs, DVDs or any clothes that are already of no use to you then sell it online or in a car garage sale. A few weeks before Christmas season, you can try eating packed lunches or snacks in office or in school instead of buying them outside. You can also try jotting down all your expenses daily. By doing this, you can be able to monitor where you are spending your money. You can then easily get rid of any unnecessary expenses.

[Photo courtesy of picjumbo.com/pexels.com]
Planning A Frugal Christmas Menu
You do not have to spend too much money on your Christmas dinner. Here are some simple tips:
- Know the right portions. We all know that everybody loves turkey on Christmas. However, the turkey dish will become leftovers the next day. Just buy the right amount of food for everyone so that you can avoid wasting food and money.
You can try to think of ways on how to recycle your leftovers. This will allow you to money on your meals for the next few days.
Make a list early on and try to stock these items on your pantry one by one.
- Use coupons. Coupons will come handy during the holiday season.
Enjoy your Christmas eve!
[ Tagged In ] Christmas, Christmas Cooking, Christmas Dinner, Christmas Food, Christmas Meal, Christmas Menu, Christmas Preparation, Food on Christmas, Saving for Christmas