Dreams and Nightmares January 6th, 2019 | No Comments »
Whenever I dreamed during the night I tend to forget that dream in the morning, that’s why I seldom wrote and blog about dreams in this blog. My dream last night was so vivid that I am able to remember it, I found myself in a distant neighbor’s house which is also a distant relative, it looks like it wasn’t only me who was there. There are other women from the church in the house, but I have arrived late so I was left outside. Instead of following them through the wooden door, I was left outside wandering about the relative’s house, it looks so small but it is quite big with a lot of rooms made of glass, that no matter which side I go and look, all I can see were glass doors and rooms. Since the room is made of glass, I can literally see what is inside the room, but one room is very particular in my dream where I have seen what is inside, decors, bed and the bedding, saw it twice while wondering how is it possible for a small house to have a lot of room.

[Photo courtesy of Masson-Wintergarten/pixabay.com]
Then my dream hopped seeing myself cooking on a large wok in the fire wood stove, it looks like I am still in the relative’s yard, backyard, presumably and I am cooking for the women inside the house, then suddenly a cousin wearing a sad face came and sat in the vacant chair, I have asked him something, like if the people inside the house were not finished yet.

[Photo courtesy of Trinck/pixabay.com]
My dream hopped again, seeing myself in the street just above a stone stairs (it looks like I am going to the house under the street/stairs), talking to an Uncle wearing a yellow shirt. In my dream I am telling myself that his wife, my aunt already passed away, as I look down the stairs I saw a yellow poop. I was told by my uncle that another uncle had collapsed and lost consciousness because of stroke and my dream ended as I woke up feeling so cold.
[ Tagged In ] Dream of Cooking, Dream of Fire Wood Stove, Dream of Glass Doors, Dream of Glass House, Dream of Glass Room, Dream of Poop, Dream of Room, Dream of Seeing Bedding, Dream of Stone Steps, Dream of Yellow
Dreams and Nightmares, Home and Finance July 20th, 2011 | 2 Comments »
There’s an old belief that if you dream a poop it means MONEY, and it happened to me. Last night or let me say this early morning while I am sleeping I have dreamed of poop, I just tell a brief story of it. I dreamed of two young pipz, they look like my cousins in Germany but I am not too sure though because in my dream they are not my cousins but kids I need to take care,…the older one wants to use the toilet so I went out the building to give her privacy then after a while I saw her behind the glass looking sad and when I went in, all of her poop is scattered in the floor and in different trashcans in the corner, in my dreams she don’t know how to use the toilet so she throw her poop in trashcans, and it leave marks in the shiny floor (like a foot prints), a lot of it. So I told her we need to clean it before people came for a meeting, so I mop it and some people rush in, I am not yet finished though I just finished the first room and a realization came the trashcan has a poop still then I wake up.

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When I wake up I lay down for a minute as I feel very tired which usually happened every time I had a dream, then I opened my email add which is I seldom do first because mostly I opened my click ads before looking at my inbox. What catch my attention is the mail from PostnJoy with subject [PostNjoy] Announcing 7th Opp. Winners~! so I immediately opened it first and guess what? I am so surprised and happy I won the 1st place and I can’t believed it, I won $100 just writing about Magic Science BBcream and my dream is indeed means money. Thank you Lord for the blessings!
[ Tagged In ] Dream of Poop, Dreams, Earn Money from Blogging, Expat Life, Expat Living, Icheon, Icheon Gyeonggi-do, Icheon-si, Korea, Life in Korea, Living in Icheon, Living in Icheon Gyeonggi-do, Living in Korea, Living in South Korea, Money, My Dream and PostnJoy, Poop Dream, PostnJoy, South Korea