Home and Cooking October 9th, 2013 | No Comments »
These past few days I am so busy boxing things we don’t use anymore and needs to go home, I am boxing things as much as I can so they won’t be left behind when we left Korea and I can also travel light. With that, I forgot to eat and I will just realize that I am hungry when I felt dizzy moving around.

The other night with only an hour before we sleep I decided to prepare egg and sausage sandwich for myself, it was a good thing that there’s only one pair of bread left that I can look after my diet, you know older people say it is bad to eat a lot at night.
[ Tagged In ] Bread, Egg, Sandwich, Sandwich Recipes
Food and Recipes, Home and Cooking July 3rd, 2013 | No Comments »
Copying my husband’s meal is my favorite thing to do, I sometimes wonder what his meal taste like. He has different meal because he has his own diet plan. Unlike me that I could eat anything at any time, the other night I tried his egg meal which is styled like omelette, composed of only egg whites stuff with mozzarella cheese and meat inside. It was fried on small amount of olive oil.

My husband was annoyed at me when I complaint that it doesn’t taste good, no salt, pepper or garlic on it. Anyway last night he decided not to eat eggs anymore because he is already tired, his been eating egg whites since I can’t remember. He will stick to his whey protein and vegetable diet.
[ Tagged In ] Egg, Egg Whites, Egg Whites Diet, Egg Whites Meal, Egg Whites Recipe