Where is Shinha Elementary School?

That’s the question in our mind because three months from now my husband “will be” assigned in Shinha (Sinha) Elementary School, he is been teaching for three years already in Icheon Elementary School and because of company policy that’s what the director told him that English teacher should only stay in one school for two years (though he has one year extension) and they need to be re-shuffled so students can learn and have different experience from different teachers.

[Icheon Elementary School]

His re-location actually came as a surprised because he just received an email from someone telling him that he is maybe the one who will teach after him because he was told that my husband is transferring to another school. My husband  doesn’t know anything about it, he didn’t even know that he is moving or transferring. He was furious because it was very unprofessional to know it from possible employee rather than from his employer. Well what followed is email from the recruiter that a candidate will email him for some reference (maybe experience on the school or how is it leaving and teaching in Icheon and so on) but it was too late already because he already received an email. My husband told the recruiter that he is not moving neither transferring to another school, it turns out the recruiter was told that one teacher from Icheon is leaving and when she asked an email for reference of a new teacher my husband email was given and that’s how it happened

To cut the story short it was just a miscommunication,  after about two weeks of asking a meeting with the director/manager my husband was told that they will transfer him to Shinha Elementary School, so we wonder where is it located all we know it is 4 kilometers from Changjeon-dong. I have look in to the map and found out it is in Bubal-eup area, I have already heard about this place but I cannot find where I have heard it, well because we already walked around Icheon (not really all around maybe just a bit, lol!) so I think I know where is it. So tonight as part of our routine we walked around the downtown, I have asked my husband if when we are going to Happy Mart but he keeps shrugging it off and when we reached the junction we decided to find the school as I believed it was around the way I know because I have seen a large school on that area but nothing happened with our search we decided to stop and return to Changjeon-dong because we both believed we can’t find it.

Shinha-ri Elementary School

[Shinha Elementary School]

It was a surprised because we just turn around from Anheung-dong to Galsan-dong and to Jeungpo-dong and back to Changjeon-dong. We decided to have pizza afterwards, we went to 59 pizza which is still open but when we had our pizza the light was turned off already. Probably it was already closing when we arrived and because we are frequent visitor of the pizza parlor they didn’t turn us down.

While eating pizza I looked again in the Google map, laugh at me but my husband was right that I probably look on the wrong direction. Sinha-ri, Bubal-eup is the other way around, it was before reaching the downtown which is near Hynix, actually I have already thought it was there because I have found online that there’s a lot of factory in that area and that’s the only place I know with factories because you can see them when you are on the bus to Seoul and vice versa but because of my map ability I was lost, I went the other way around. So even we continue walking until day time we really cannot see what we are looking for.

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Alumni Conference in Icheon Elementary School

I wake up today with loud music and an emcee speaking in the nearby elementary school. My husband told me that there’s something going on because he saw some tent from our window. After making my coffee I decided to check it out, I didn’t even finish drinking it I just had one sip, I changed my clothes and I went out.

When I arrived in the school entrance I saw a lot of cars and this banner but as I can’t read Hangul I can’t still figure out what was the occasion.

Icheon Elementary School

There’s really a lot of tent encircling the wide playground and they are full of people and food. Others are drinking soju (the popular liquor here), eating and talking to each other. There are few people in the play ground which looks like they are doing fun games, I saw some people with balloons. I didn’t take long because I am too shy to be noted and snapping around, I was not able to take good picture because there are cars and trucks blocking me from where I stand.

Icheon Elementary School

I walk around the school I mean the street around the school so people will not think I just went there to take pictures. Anyway when I arrived home I translated what is written in the banner and it says “The 5th Icheon Elementary School Alumni Conference” thanks to Korean Virtual keyboard and Google translate for making it possible.

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A Box of Dunkin’ Donuts and a Coffee from a Parent

Yeah right that’s what I got, I feel scared the way my husband knocked on our door, you know it is a knock that scaring someone because sometimes he loves to scare me. I don’t have a plan to open the door but later on his knocks seems so in hurry and when I open the door, he has the box of Dunkin’ Donuts on the other hand and a coffee on the other hand.

It turns out that few of the parents of their students went to school to observe and one of the mother brought a box of Dunkin’ Donuts and a coffee, as Jade is on her diet she told my husband to bring them all and as my husband is on a diet I have all of these. Lol!

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