Home and Living, Travel and Places November 22nd, 2017 | No Comments »
Just the thought of the colorful sails I have to see in the morning I wasn’t able to sleep well, I woke up early but my family wasn’t that excited as me. They took their time moving around, my mother even washed clothes twice, she said the sailing competition will not start early because it is still low tide, the management will wait until high tide.

When we arrived at the beach shore, there were only few people around and the sail boats were far behind the shore because it was indeed low tide. Thinking the competition didn’t start yet, my mother decided to have breakfast first because she was starving, I didn’t go with them and I went to the shore alone to take some photos.

While, I was there taking my time roaming around I have overheard the older men who went near their sail boats that someone had already won and they started removing the sails on their boat. I chuckled out of disappointment, my mother and sister owed me big time “low tide my ass” which means those group of men we saw walking to the shore before we reach the events place were already the contenders heading to the finish line.

When they’ve finished eating breakfast they picked me up and we went home directly because my sister has to attend a meeting at 10AM and has to attend the parade in the afternoon as well. Along the way we met some bikers and we already passed by them when I realized that they were in the biking competition, arrrgghhh I didn’t snap some photos of them.

Well, in the afternoon we returned to town to watch the float parade of Ginoo and Binibining MIMAROPA 3 Festival, it wasn’t entertaining like the parade on the first day of the festival. We did some errands in town which made us go home a little dark already.
[ Tagged In ] 3rd MIMAROPA Festival, MIMAROPA Festival 2017, MIMAROPA Festival 2017 Night Market, MIMAROPA Festival Odiongan, MIMAROPA Festival Romblon, MIMAROPA Festivals, Odiongan, Odiongan Night Market, Odiongan Romblon, Romblon, Romblon Festivals, Romblon Philippines, Visit Romblon Islands
Home and Living, Home and Shopping November 21st, 2017 | No Comments »
Fireworks display in Odiongan isn’t a normal occurrence; firecrackers maybe yes (joke). We directly went home after the last tribe finishes their performance without waiting for the winner to be announced because we still need to go home so we could return to town to watch the fireworks display at 9 o’clock in the evening.

We had dinner and after I feed my pets we went to town, we are bit late because the fireworks display already started but we are still along the way (Odiongan National High School), the gate 2 of Odiongan South Central Elementary School was closed so we have no choice but to run to gate 1 which is only open for pedestrians. We are able to see half of the fireworks display, kids and kids alike were amazed with the fireworks display in the sky that they keep saying “Wow” and it was indeed a wow.

After the 10 minutes fireworks display we went to the night market, while waiting for my sister finding a parking area we stand at a corner and I started asking my mother if I am already smelly from the whole day activity, what is epic when I turned around I saw a “balut vendor” and that’s where the foul smell was coming from, the vinegar for the balut.

The night market wasn’t that large but it was already good to have one, there are different items on sale at the night market from souvenir shirts, bargain clothes and dresses, souvenir key chains, paintings, Christmas decors and etc., The other end was food stalls which is good for hungry night goers and visitors looking around at the marble stores at the Children parks.
[ Tagged In ] 3rd MIMAROPA Festival, MIMAROPA Festival 2017, MIMAROPA Festival 2017 Night Market, MIMAROPA Festival Odiongan, MIMAROPA Festival Romblon, MIMAROPA Festivals, Odiongan, Odiongan Night Market, Odiongan Romblon, Romblon, Romblon Festivals, Romblon Philippines, Visit Romblon Islands