Home and Living November 16th, 2015 | 1 Comment »
At three o’clock yesterday, we went to the funeral of an Uncle (1st cousin 1x removed) which is at a neighboring barangay. We heard about his death from our grand aunts when we attend a dedication and birthday party of the daughter of our second cousin. It was said that he was found unconscious in the street; they were able to rush him in the hospital where he got on coma and died from stroke or heart failure.

We went to his funeral with a few relatives, we stayed a little longer, had coffee and snacks while the older family members are having conversation about any topic that comes along. As usual, they asked where my husband is, I was asked by our grand aunts a few nights ago too, which I both simply replied that he is working in China. We asked permission to leave first since we are heading to town, to get some items to sell at home but everyone decided to leave as well since there is still one funeral to go at 6 o’clock in the evening.
It took us long time in town, and it was almost six o’clock in the evening when we came home. My sister rushed to the printer because she still need to finish printing the programs that will be used at the funeral service of a distant relative in town, our Pastor left it when we are about to leave the house because PBC will facilitate the service. A lot of church members went to town to attend the funeral service as well. We didn’t take long after the funeral service was done we also left for home, it is getting late and colder outside.
[ Tagged In ] Funeral, Relatives
Home and Living October 26th, 2015 | No Comments »
A popular food establishment is going to open in our town, first one in the province. They currently hiring for staff with the age limit of 18-22, my sister tried to submit a resume but she exceeded the age limit so she informed some distant cousins and neighbors that were younger to try their luck. So last night, I was startled why my family is sitting in our porch, it turns out two distant cousins in different level came to have their resume created since we accept encoding jobs, I end up creating the resumes since my sister think I can do it better.

Before that, in the afternoon one of our male older cousin informed my sister that a shipping company is looking for an office staff to do booking and printing of ferry tickets, but it turns out they need a male employee. After a while my sister was surprised when someone came to our house and wanted to learn on how to use a computer and printing, maybe he was told of hiring news and wanted to apply for the job. My sister declined because it isn’t easy to teach someone in just a few hours how to use a computer in instant, well she is right I have classmates in college who still doesn’t know how to operate a computer while we are already graduating students that time. LOL
My family informed one of our very distant cousins who came to have his resume created to apply for the opening in the shipping company since he graduated college and he is computer literate too. You might wondering, in Philippines especially in rural areas, all the people living around the neighborhood are related on different level of bloodline and sometimes it stretch up to 1-3 kilometers that there is blood connection.
[ Tagged In ] Job Opportunities, Neighbors, Relatives