3 Cute Little Kittens

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Having three kittens I thought was easy. That’s just what I thought. But when the saleslady of Zafeway (a grocery store here in Odiongan) gave me three kittens, one female and two males. The war starts… between me and those cute kittens.

3 cute little kittens

There first day in our house is so unforgettable, why? It is because, my mother told me to have them tie, so tie them so that they will not go anywhere because they are not yet familiar with our house. But one of the cats gets off of his tie, and just gets inside our house. I told my mother to just let the cats get released from their tie because they are not going anywhere. But an hour later as I’m going to feed them one of the cats is missing. So I look for her around the house, but I could not find her. I also look for her in my grandmother’s house and everywhere. My mother is now upset because the one that is missing is the only female cat. So she said to me, I should have not released them in their tie. I just release them because I thought they are not going anywhere. But then again I searched inside the house for the second time, now using flashlight in looking in some dark places. There she is inside our old dish dispenser below the stairs sleeping so deeply. That old dispenser is full of the old notebooks of my sister.

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