Cleaning the Bathroom and Accidentally Electrocuted Myself
Cleaning the bathroom is one of the things I do even before, so a few days ago I decided to clean our bathroom barefooted, it was been a long time since I cleaned it thoroughly because the water supply in our barangay (village) is scarce, the water only runs in the morning for about 2-3 hours.
As cleaning agent I used muriatic acid as well as bleach without using a mask for protection, I have cleaned it thoroughly from walls to floor. I have turned the lights and fan but I think it was a wrong move because I inhaled so much fumes from muriatic acid leading me to choke and cough, I went out for a bit to inhale fresh air. When I am done cleaning I switched off the light and fan and that’s when an electricity bolt run through my finger to my head, I was shocked for a moment but I still managed to pull back my finger, maybe if I didn’t I was electrocuted to death.
[Photo courtesy of RitaE/]
The bathroom switched light was gone for a minute, I have already thought I broke the switch. I was thinking if I should tell my mother that I was almost electrocuted and I broke the light/fan switch. Thinking she might go to the bathroom and get electrocuted as well, I decided to tell her not to touch the bathroom switch and a little story of what had happened to me inside.
My mother is really epic, instead of being worried to me I got scolded for being careless and splashing water in the wall where the electric switch was.
Anyway, it was the strongest electric shocked I encountered in my life maybe because I am barefooted, the electric switch and the floor is wet as well as my hands. I thought it was the end of my life but I guess I still have purpose here on earth.
My head aches after I got electrocuted, the lower part just below my ears. I think my brain got an electric shock! The next day, I cleaned our living room using muriatic acid and inhaled more fumes again.
Sweet Cherry Plate
The other day while we are shopping at Lotte Super I wandered around the house and home aisle and I found this plate cute. It only cost ₩1,000 ($0.87) so I bought it thinking I am going to eat small amount of rice if I am going to use it.
I think it is more as a kid’s tray rather than a plate because it it is in the same shelves of the large trays. My husband just nod his head when he saw what I am holding.
Slimline Dishwasher
There are times I searched online for free samples, the last time I grabbed free samples online it has a dishwashing soap on it. As we don’t have dishwasher here at home we have sent it to a friend. Those times dishwashers were considered something of a luxury when they first came on the market that most restaurants have it but now a days most private home have it too, a dishwasher is a mechanical device for cleaning dishes and eating utensils. Dishwasher has different models, the new one is a slimline models that fits with a small kitchen. They are also effective in cleaning as the standard model, it allows you to adjust the temperature, depending on how dirty your crockery is. Some of the highest-rated slimline dishwashers use only ten litres of water per wash and have Eco Wash and Quick Wash options to help reduce water and electricity consumption.