A Blessed Sunday: Facing Challenges This Year without Fear

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It is Sunday today and it is the day that the Lord has made, I went to church with my hair untie which is unusual. I have to lose my hair to hide something in the side of my face, in my jaw particularly. It started as a pimple then it feels very itchy that I scratched it without thinking until it grows bigger like the size of a small coin. 🙁

Anyway, before the service proper started Pastor E announces some church concerns like who would like to lead during Sunday service and etc. One of the older member in the church whispered to me that it will look good if I lead, I just smiled while saying I can’t do it. Honestly, what I would like to do is to teach Sunday school among children.

Problems Quotes

The scriptural reading can be found Joshua 1: 1-9 with a scriptural topic of Facing Challenges This Year without Fear. Pastor E says that New Year brings new opportunities, possibilities as well as new challenges but with God’s provisions we are able to overcome these challenges because God give us power to persevere, a promise of His Presence and provisions for prosperity.

Pastor E shared a passage from the book of Romans 5: 3-4 which says “Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.” If we persevere we will overcome new challenges because facing our problems and trials will helps us to develop endurance and endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident of hope and with God’s presence we can face these challenges without fear.

When we overcome all these challenges God’s promise that we will be successful and prosperous so we shouldn’t be discouraged so let’s be strong and courageous. These were just parts of preaching that Pastor E delivered today, he challenges everyone to be as one church when facing challenges and overcoming them and encourage everyone to believe and have faith.

Problem Quotes

It was indeed true that problems made us strong and they help us grow as a person, with them too we are able to change for the better. Honestly, These past few Sundays I can relate on the scriptural topics it was like they were meant for me as if God is talking to me and telling me that I should persevere, be courageous and have faith in Him and everything will be alright in His presence.

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