A little pissed off

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I am proud of being a Filipino but I am not proud of other Filipinos. They’re too damn rude, now I know why we are descrimated by other country. Wherever other Filipino goes mahilig pa rin sumingit sa pila like what happen today when we are in Supermarket a  guy which is for sure not a Korean national and not an Indian man because he looks like me just made his way into the counter bringing two bottles of liquor, my husband who’s in the line point it to me, and guess what the guy did, he look with his sharp eyes to me (us). “Super kapal, naningit na nga sa amin siya pa ang ganang tumingin ng masama…wala talagang hiya.” It is understood that we have a bunch of loads compare to his two bottles I just hope he knows what courtesy means, it is also okay if he smile shyly rather than look at us with his sharp eyes.

Actually I don’t know what the guy did until we reached home because when hubby point him to me but I did not understand it because I am too darn busy looking on the buy one take one shampoo the lady had on the counter. So when the guy look at me (us) sharply  I don’t any have reaction except being startled why he had those look on his eyes not until we reached home.

Late reaction, isn’t it? Anyway just want to unload some darn feelings…

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