Barbecue Party on New Year’s Eve

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On New Year’s eve we decided just to have a family barbecue “party” with videoke, so my mother and sister set up a tv and speaker in our rooftop. We didn’t prepare a lot of food, our mother doesn’t even approve us cooking “pancit” but I insisted and of course a cake will never be out of the table (mother’s favourite if you asked me). We had red wine and non-alcoholic drink May; I am not drinker as well since we are not allowed to do so (or else my parents will let me sleep with our dog outside), but my husband thought me to drink a glass of beer or wine after eating a nice meal so I learned slowly, unlike before I am drowsy by just smelling a liquor. Lol

Barbecue and VideokeWell, red wine was not a hard drink anyway so I had 3 glass of it, 2 of non-alcoholic drink May and a single tiny shot of Emperador which is a hard drink of course, actually my father doesn’t allowed me to drink it but what else he can do when I took a shot instantly without him knowing until I put down the shot glass (lol). I felt dizzy afterwards and my throat felt dry then suddenly my shame was gone, because before that tiny shot, I have been only sitting listening to them singing while munching barbecue in stick but after that I took the microphone and sang without a tune, which I never do when I am on my right mind since my voice is like a voice of a frog on rainy days. Haha

Barbecue Party

New Year celebration was not that bad just don’t mention it rains a lot and we look like a family in a camp site after a big flood; we celebrated it with our pastor’s family and an aunt in our roof top we just put cover tent to avoid getting wet from the rain.

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