Business 101: Being One of the Top Sellers

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Owning a business isn’t easy like one, two, three. It was been a year since I officially started my own business at home, registering it to the municipal hall and pay my due taxes. It started well, but there are really some people who are abusive and you couldn’t trust when it comes to money.  I have more than 13  dealers and one by one they started becoming a headache, they don’t return items on time, they didn’t pay on time and much worst they didn’t pay at all unless you complain them to barangay court.  I visited two different barangay court so I could get my money back, one settled her account after a few days, but one is still unsettled until today when she was given more than a month to pay and the others they are paying bit by bit.

My sister had told me to learn how to say no and just don’t let them get items when they have past due accounts, but the dork me doesn’t listen because I just can’t say no and I just don’t know how to be tough. In this regard, I stopped ordering and getting new products so I will not have  a problem saying no, or they don’t have new items to get at my store.

Anyway, the outlet operator in town called for a meeting yesterday, but I wasn’t able to go because I am expecting a dealer to pay that day as we agreed in the barangay court. So it was only my mother and sister attended the meeting for me, where they told me I was one of the top seller and in top 4. Maybe if, I didn’t stop I can be in top 3 or 2 and I received more expensive gift than a stand fan. Aside from the fan, my name was picked randomly for the advance payments, I got a new blender and some small things.

Well the dealer came late in the afternoon, but she wasn’t able to pay fully and requested if I can give her another month to pay, so I agreed.

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