Chicken Adobo

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The potato I have bought few months ago are already growing  that made me cook  Chicken Adobo the other day and I am still eating it up to now even my husband had used few pieces of chicken  for his  egg whites. Well it is also been a while since I have cooked this Filipino dish.  I have been contented making soups because it is the easy way to do for a busy person like me. I have added the remaining carrot in the fridge it is better than I let it rotten for keeping it too long.

Cooking chicken Adobo is a very easy thing to do. All you need to do is to saute garlic and onion, and when it brown add the pieces of chicken, vinegar, soy sauce and water. Let it boil until tender, add black pepper to taste. If you desire you can also add potato, carrots and hard boiled eggs.

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