Dream of Seeing a Backpack and Riding Down the Hill

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These past few days I wasn’t able to journal my dreams because of procrastination. My dream last night happened somewhere uphill, my classmates came to me and fetch me or invited me to go with them downhill, I have agreed because it feels like I was being held inside the house for a long time and it will be my first time to descend the place and while we are getting ready, there is a not so old woman who came by and the first thing I have noticed was her new black backpack in her back.  I was told she will give it to me if I like the bag so I feel so excited receiving it for free since it was new.

Riding down hill

[Image source: ridingintexashillcountry.blogspot.com]

Then we board something it isn’t clear if it is a board, wagon or cart, it was a lot of fun going down the slope, the older woman came down with us in a different board with someone, on the way I am able to take a glance at the backpack on her back thinking it is going to be mine for free. When we reached the foot of the hill I have seen an older cousin standing in front of the food cart, she bought some food and included a piece for me but I decided to buy more food and my dream ended.

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