Finally Unlimited Water Supply

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The water supply in our barangay is scarce; it only runs for 2-3 hours in the past three months so we decided to use larger containers to stock water for cooking, the bathroom and kitchen.  And these past few days after many rains the water supply is back to normal it runs throughout the day unlimitedly.

Today, we decided to empty and keep the large containers but before doing it we end up cleaning them because the water quality in our village is not good and not suitable for drinking. The water builds up some solid white particles in the containers, like a hardened limestone’s maybe because the water is coming from the mountain and deposited in a concrete tank uphill.

Anyway, was thankful that we can now wash clothes and rugs any time as well as bath longer too. We also don’t need to collect and fetch water,  when I was young we only used water pitcher pump as water source, there is no running water but today those type of pump are long gone they dries out.

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