Going Back to School After More Than Ten Years

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It was almost twelve years ago when I last set foot in the university after I earned my Bachelor’s degree. When my world turn upside down, my parents push me return to the university to earn educational units, so I can teach if ever I passed the teacher’s board examination, but I keep on declining. I wasn’t too outgoing then and I am a little anxious to see new people and meet my college instructors again.

Open Book, Library, Education, Read, Book, School

[Photo courtesy of lil_foot_/pixabay.com]

The decision of not following my parents and being irritated to my father every time he told me to go back to school, made me regret it. What could have been if go back to school three years ago? I wasted three years of my life, being comfortable inside the four walls of our home and hiding from the world. Well, after almost three years, I am back to the university which almost didn’t materialize because I have to go home to Tarlac City, to look after my sick grandma, but as lucky as I was, we arrived back home just right for the last week of enrollment.

Anyway, to cut the story short, I am now back at the university earning educational units. The classes started last week, but it was cut short because of the Provincial Meet because the rooms will be used by the provincial athletes. We have two days and a week off, today I should be studying and reviewing after receiving the online details of the review materials, but I am dilly dallying, I can’t just focus on the lessons and a friend came to copy Korean drama series today, my mother and sis had a collection of them.

Young, Woman, Girl, Lady, Female, Work, Working, Study

[Photo courtesy of kaboompics/pixabay.com]

During our first day of class as unit earner, we usually introduce ourselves to each other and what made us to earn an educational unit, like what I have said in class there are a lot of factors that pushes me and made me decide to attend school again, just a few of them, it was around July last year when I attended a training for Tourist Promotion Services and most of my classmates were education graduates who told me I can be a good teacher, well what did I do? Aside from being the group’s main reporter, I just stole our trainer’s teaching time by teaching my classmates how to earn from blogging (lmao). Well, he allowed me and he is even amused of me teaching (I think, hahaha). And then I have to teach for the first time for Operation Christmas Child as a volunteer teacher, we have the training early of 2018, after a few months the boxes arrived so teaching/sharing the Gospel started afterwards. That is when, I have realized, I have the passion to teach contrary to what I have said to my father that I don’t have a  talent in teaching. If I remember too, I once played a role as a teacher to my younger sis and distant cousins when we are kids.

Honestly, you know what, it was a good thing that one of my instructors in college wasn’t around the university anymore, because I have told him before I will not teach, after he told me to wait until I become a teacher after correcting or telling him what to do while he is giving us a lesson (ok I am so bad), because if he is still around teaching and he remember what I have told him, I will be really embarrassed.

Anyway, earning educational unit will not make me a teacher right away. I have to pass the Teacher’s Licensure Exam which I am too anxious of doing. Good luck to me, to us!

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