Heavy Rain and Yellowish Water from the Faucet

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It was been raining for few days already and the rain yesterday was non-stop as I am trying to refill our water filter I have notice that the water from our kitchen faucet is yellowish, I immediately turn off the water and throw the water in our water filter. I let the faucet run for few minutes but still the water has yellowish color so I waited for my husband to came home so I can inform him about our water problem, I just drink fresh milk to fed my thirst.

Faucet Running

[Image not Mine]

When my husband came home the water is still yellowish but when we tried the water in the bathroom sink it is clear so we don’t where’s the problem if it is due to heavy rain or the pipe is dirty. Anyway when we went to the gym that late afternoon I take the chance to drink a lot and even bring water home by filling bottle my husband did the same as well it looks like we are fetching drinking water from the gym.

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