Hwatong Chicken

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Today is our shopping day, so tonight we went to Lotte Super to shop for groceries which is mainly fruits and vegetables for our juice fasting. While going down the escalator my husband though of cheating again in our diet by eating chicken or turkey. I would like too but I want to lose weight, anyhow we went down and shop for the things we need. I also bought chocolates, I am going to carry them home for presents in our next vacation.

After shopping the urge of chicken craving won so we went at the back of the RAON Palace and went to Hwatong Chicken and ordered two box of chicken we don’t know what we ordered because we just used point-point system.

We waited outside with our shopping bags while waiting for our take out, they have chairs and table in the front eh. While waiting a group of men came and sit beside our table, they are too loud they ordered drinks and chicken.

Anyway after 10 minutes or so of waiting we got our ordered and we went home, we stopped at Nonghyup supermarket to look for orange but they also don’t have orange like Lotte Super we just went home with our groceries and eventually stopped in Paris Baguette to buy bread. I was not able to take picture of the chicken well because I have no camera I just borrowed my husband camera, so all I got is my share of chicken because he already started eating his share.

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