Icheon City Hall

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We went to Icheon City Hall today to report the change of our address. It should be included when we renew our visa in Suwon immigration but when the immigration officer noticed that we didn’t transfer yet she didn’t allow us to change our address. Instead she told us to return after 14 days  to report it but my husband think it is too much hassle to travel to Suwon just to report the address change he asked for an alternative and the immigration officer told us to go to the city hall to report it.

At first my husband doesn’t want to report it because he said it is going to be his last year in Korea as he is not planning to renew his contract anymore and eying to move to another country. The problem though I have to return to Suwon immigration next month after I got my new passport from the embassy as I just renew a day ago, and I also told my husband as what I have heard from Filipino  Korean wives that unable to report the address changes will cost a fine of KRW 5,000,000 which I think very costly.

Well I thought I knew where is Icheon City Hall so we took bus #8 from Shinha-ri and get off at the front of the “city hall” in front of the big stadium but it turns out it is not the city hall it is an Art Hall.  With the help of the map handed to us by the immigration officer we are able to find the city hall we just went the main street and turn right and walk straight when we reached the intersection Buak-ru we turn left and about five minutes we found the Police Station and the city hall.

As my husband’s co-teacher instruction we went to #3 desk and informed the woman what we want. We are given a form to fill-up like the application form in the immigration and we returned it to her with our ARC when we are done, we waited for few minutes and we had our ARC with new address written at the back.

The city hall was very friendly and relaxing it is more like of a library, garden and spa’s waiting area unlike the city hall in the Philippines which is too noisy and crowded sometimes.

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