Home and Living July 6th, 2010 | 2 Comments »

I was not able to do blog hopping for few days, hubby is not feeling well so we’re sleeping very early and further more I can’t concentrate doing my online task like blogging, clicking and etc when I have patient to tend., I am so worried about his condition, he ate so little and I kept telling him to eat even the food don’t taste good, drink a lot of water, just rest and don’t go to school and a lot more
motherly wifey duties, he kept telling me I am like a mother. He stopped taking the medicines I bought last weekend because he said it makes his heart beat faster, and he feels very hot with it.
He is not yet fully recovered yesterday but he still went to school so a fever strucked again last night. He still went to school today but thanks God because as of now, he is doing well he already ate his normal food and not just two pieces of toasted bread with peanut butter.
Thank you for the get well soon comments and some healthful tips from my avid readers, Ruth, Ate Pink, Ateh Vernz and Charmie.
I wonder where’s the blog comments I just approved, I can’t see them on my post. Sorry guys if I can’t visit you the links are missing.

I was just gonna ask you to comment my blog or try to cause every time it says I got a new comment when I go to approve its gone and I dont see anything..not sure why so can u help me..lol
Hi Ryhe, hope hubby will get well soon and that's alright you can't blog hop yet. Attend hubby's needs muna. No need to hurry. π