Kimchi Sleeping with Eggs

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I just find this picture below cute, Kimchi is sleeping with the eggs below our  abuhan (stove). We are looking for her but we can’t find her around and when I went to the kitchen I saw her peacefully sleeping so I didn’t waste any time and I look for my camera to take a picture. Dunno what she thinks, my sister and mother says maybe Kimchi is thinking she is a chicken but I think she just find solace and warm in the chicken’s nest.

So every time she is missing around we already know where to find her.  Probably we are not going to be surprised anymore if the eggs hatched early. Hehe

One Response to “Kimchi Sleeping with Eggs”

  1. Adin U. Blankenship says:

    hehehehe.. so cute! Our dog and our two chickens are sleeping together in the huge dog house back in our place especially that it is cold season. They just love being their coz it is warm and cozy and our dog just don’t mind it at all. She gets to eat the chicken eggs too though, which she really loves it so much.

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