Misua and Sardines Soup with Zucchini

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I have cooked misua soup today with sardines, I still got some canned foods from the Philippines. As patola (gourd) is not present here I used zucchini as my vegetables. It’s been a long time since I have eaten this kind of soup.

Misua (also spelled mee sua or miswa) is a very thin variety of salted Chinese noodles made from wheat flour. It is originated from Fujian, China. They differ from mifen (rice vermicelli) and cellophane noodles in that the latter two are made from rice and mung beans, respectively, and typically a lot thinner than those two varieties.

My Ingredients:

Zucchini cut into pieces, Misua, Sardines, garlic, onions, oil and water


  • Saute the garlic and onions in a little amount of oil
  • When it is brown add the sardines, cooked it a little longer and drop the zucchini
  • Mixed it and let it cook for a while before adding water
  • Add the misua and let it boil until  the soup is ready


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2 Responses to “Misua and Sardines Soup with Zucchini”

  1. Rovie says:

    so pinoy! hehehe.. i love anything with sardines…

    thanks for dropping by…

  2. Meena says:

    I like soups. Misua is one of my favorites. Easy and light. I had a different version at Chow King once. It had tiny pieces of shrimp (dried maybe?) in it. Tasty!

    Thank you for sharing.

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