My Fun Experience inside the Gym

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Arrghhhh….I am not being so active lately here in blogging world, yes I post but I have no time to blog hop so much..just want to ask apology to everyone if I am not visiting you lately or I visited you so late. I have been busy with my other stuffs, and been hooked up reading and surfing online, watching Agua Bendita & Diva Episoes, I have been relaxing these past few days/week, relaxing my sore body (huhuhu). As what I have said before I am working out in a gym that makes me always tired (lol). I am so damn weak, cannot even raise the equipment with my legs, yesterday I met an accident that resulted a bump on my forehead (laugh). I lost my balance after I accidentally stepped on some equipment, so when I free the string on my hand it hits my forehead. (lol)
Anyway here are some pictures from the gym I sneaked out to bring my cam with me while exercising, we went early to the gym yesterday so there’s only few body builders working out, so I am not shy to use it. (hehehe). The first photo is our last step on working out doing Cardio…,using the self-timer of my camera I took this photo.

Arggghh…Jezzz…the bar was so heavy, what a shame! I have to do three sets of this, 12 each or more. Hubby took this photo, we had a deal if I am going to finish the three sets of this he is going to take a photo of me while working out, gladly I made it so here’s my ugly photo while counting. I am wearing the gym shirt, Life  Change.

My body especially my thighs and legs are sore, hubby says next week I am going to be used with it. Anyway thanks for the sisterhood tag from Ateh Vernz and Girl Blogger. I appreciate it so much, It’s kinda late to thank them here ah.

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