My New Passport and Visiting Suwon Immigration

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It was quite tiring these past two days,  I went to Philippine embassy last Thursday to claim my new passport. I renewed my old passport two months ago eh. I just went in and went out, but of course I have to travel by bus going home which makes it tiring not included the train ride and transfer on the subway.

The next day I wake very early so I can go to Suwon immigration so I can report my new passport, ride a taxi,  went in and went out. In short I have been traveling these past few days with lack of proper sleep and food.  Well if I forgot to mention I traveled without eating anything because if I do eat before leaving our apartment it will take me longer.

Suwon Immigration

Anyway I survived riding  a taxi by having printed out in Hangul where I want to go (immigration) and writing in a piece of paper the word Suwon bus station terminal (수원 버스 터미널)  so I can return home. The driver’s would like to talk to me sadly all I can say is “Hangul Mulayo”  luckily they speak a little English so we still had short conversation like where you from and etc.,

The old man (taxi driver going to immigration) asked me how long I have been in Korea, which I replied four years and he was kind of astonished why I can’t still speak Korean, he even told me to learn Korean and when we arrived in the immigration he thought me how the pronounce the place (immigration) in Korean. I said thank you and show him my English-Korean dictionary, I want to learn Korean but there’s no way I can because I don’t know any school that offers teaching Korean language, I am hermit that’s why I don’t know anything. I spend the whole day in front of my computer surfing, blogging, reading and playing online.

Anyway inside the immigration while waiting for my electronic number to be called I looked around and was wondering why I can’t find the pink application form from everyone,  the immigrants are holding a different form. So I went to the table and there I found out the immigration has new form, I filled it up again just to make sure I  belong. Haha, I already have the old (pink) form because I took one when we visited the immigration last March to extend the period of our sojourn because I know I am going to return after I renewed my passport.

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