Home and Living July 10th, 2009 | No Comments »
This gasoline station (PETRON) is the biggest gasoline station in Odiongan. The other one is located at the North side of the town. Gasoline in Odiongan is not cheaper but so expensive that makes those passenger vehicles fare expensive too. Well there is a time that this gasoline station is out of stock of gasoline, the hearsay says the vessel tank did not yet arrive. That makes the gasoline became more expensive in every gasoline outlet, sometimes it will took three days before the gasoline will be available and in that case other vehicles and the drivers were just at home because there’s no gasoline to full their tank. When that thing occurs the fare in single (motor) grown up, it will reached P30.00 every trip. If there is two passengers you will divide it by two if you are just alone you have to pay for it.
Other single driver were too abusive they will ask for big fare and when you ask them why they will say there is no gasoline everywhere and if there is it is very expensive. You can’t do nothing but pay, you will just say “shit” silently. Well for everybody’s knowing those single driver were “kulorum” which means no license to operate, while others has no license to drive. Lol! Ye, that is funny. I think those unit who were assigned to pick them up were doing their job (I just don’t know how) but those single drivers has unity. (hehehe).
Well you cannot blame those single drivers, they have family to support and they need to eat. The common job for poor Odionganon’s were farming, fishing, carpentry, and driving a single vehicle.