Sauteed Monggo Beans

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With the presence of Asian store anywhere, cooking and eating food I can only eat in the Philippines is now possible to eat overseas. I have been eating sausage and ramen noodles these past few days so I decided to saute monggo beans,  I boiled the monggo beans before sauteing it.

Sauteed Monggo Beans

As it was first time for my husband to see me cooking sauteed monggo, he was so in patient waiting when I am going to finished cooking. He is not concerned about the tasting the food but he is more concerned of the gas bill. Lol!

After boiling the monggo beans I saute garlic and onion and fry the pork with it. When the pork is already brown I add the monggo beans and the slop, I add more water and salt to taste. I let it boil for few minutes and I add the lettuce and let it cook for few minutes.

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