Short Visit at Mt. Dion Garden Resort

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My father and his batch mates celebrated their 35th grand alumni homecoming in Mt. Dion Garden Resort, it was second day of their get together the first one was held in their batch mate house near the shore. The garden resort was newly opened that’s why we went there to look around even though the get together was only for them alone. We just took photos inside the resort,  buy and ate melted ice cream then left since we are scheduled to watch boat race and biniray at Odiongan shore as part of the town fiesta celebration.

My father’s batch mates mistaken my younger sister as his eldest daughter and when we told my father about it at home, he also shared that their architect’s nephew told him that he admired how my father’s eldest daughter drives motorcycle toughly, since I don’t know how to drive my father knew that the guy wasn’t talking about me but my youngest sister so he informed him about it, we end up laughing  together in my sister’s displeasure.

Mt. Dion Garden resort was located at Brgy. Bangon, it is a perfect venue for family outings, small gathering like birthdays, get together and maybe even weddings with small guests since I think the area is very small to accommodate a lot of people. The resort has two medium sized pools one at the bottom and one at the top where there is a statue of peeing boy.

The main attraction at Mt. Dion Garden resorts are the animal statues like the large gorilla at facade and the giraffe, elephant and other stone statues inside the resort.  The food in their catering service tasted good since my father brought home some left over.

Mt. Dion Garden Resort
Brgy. Bangon, Odiongan, Romblon
Facebook Page:
Mobile No. – 0948 980 4398

Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. Above written post was my own personal opinion and might be different from yours.

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