Spaghetti’s Delight

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My husband requested for a spaghetti tonight like what I cooked last weekend, so I started cooking but  when I  clicked the igniter of the gas range it does not light but we smell gas. My husband got mad hearing the click sound , he asked me what  did I do with it.  I don’t know what to answer because I just cooked this morning and it was fine, I remember I just washed the pot and set it at the top of the gas range, maybe that’s why it does not light because of the moisture  under the knobs.
And because it was my fault hubby asked me to tell the landlord about it, but I did not follow him because I don’t know how to communicate with our new landlord. Luckily the other gas range worked, so I he lighted it, then I set the pot with water in it.
Well I am not going to stand beside the gas range while waiting for the water to boil, so I went back on my  laptop which drives hubby nuts, so when I returned to my pot he shooed me away (lol). He said he is going to cook it instead. I don’t know that he gets mad when I yelled (lol), when he kept telling me to go to the landlord.  I said peace and sorry, he replied “It’s always like that, you are always asking Peace after…” I laughed because that’s my quote when I get pissed of him when he keep teasing me.
He didn’t accept my sorry so I walked-out in the second time and faced my laptop again, I didn’t speak I was just in silent with a teary eyes when he passed by , after few minutes he was done cooking. Then he started hugging, kissing me while his laughing, I can’t resist to laugh even I kept my mouth closed. So when I laughed were peace again and I run to the kitchen to taste his spaghetti, Yummy Sweetie! Thank you for cooking!

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