Happy Anniversary to Mom & Dad!

Yesterday November 16, it was my parents-in law anniversary. The task to send a card is on me,  so instead of sending an e-card from yahoo greetings I made a specialized one. I thought my husband will like it, but on my dismay he didn’t.  He told me I can send my card and he will send another one for him (lol), he didn’t approve the photo why his nephew is in the picture because it’s Mom and Dad’s anniversary.  I told him that’s all I got, I don’t have any picture of Mom and Dad except the one they just sent on me taken in their trailer.  So I explained to him what is my picture all about, in their 42 years together that’s what they got. Two sons with their own family and two nephews from their older son, I am really into hidden message or picture message.

Again Happy Anniversary to Mom & Dad!

The background I used was the photo taken in Hahoe Folk Village here in Korea.  So I send my card, didn’t see him send his card because in the end he didn’t oppose me anymore in my idea. Anyway Mom and Dad like it, they said it is a great card. That’s what counts…

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