Legs Swelling and High Sodium Intake, Urinary Tract Infection

There is a day I don’t feel well, either I have headache or my hands and legs get swollen.  There are times to my blood pressure isn’t normal especially my diastolic pressure. It was been long that I was urge by my mother to get a medical test to check if  there is something wrong with my health, it was also advised by the village nurse so when my father had his medical tests done I did too.

My blood test was normal, my sugar and uric wasn’t high, my kidney is healthy but my urinalysis isn’t good I have a urinary tract infection I guess from holding on to my pee at night was too lazy to get up and use the bathroom,  or is from eating dirty food?  I love eating street foods if you may ask. The doctor prescribed a three day antibiotic for me to take which made me to drink too often, I don’t drink that much before because it is burdensome to always use the bathroom.

[Waiting for the doctor to arrive, the clinic was too small you can literally hear why the patient see a doctor]

Anyway, since my kidney test is good. There was nothing wrong with me I just need to reduce my salt intake because it turns out too much sodium in the body can cause swelling and can cause the heart to work harder I guess that’s why my diastolic pressure is higher than normal, and why I am suffering from frequent headache. I have found out that overtime increase of sodium intake can put too much stress into the heart which can lead to stroke or heart failure.

If our body has quota for sodium levels, I think my body had reached its quota. I have been eating unhealthy food for many years with J, like pizza, fried chicken, salty chips and instant noodles then when I went home I did the same, eating salty foods like instant noodles, salty chips and peanuts. Instant noodles are cheap and easy to prepare so it is the easiest way for me to fill my empty stomach when hungry.

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