True Worship Offer to God

This Sunday is different from previous Sundays I have attend the church service because it is exchange pulpit Sunday and  different Pastor (R) was in-charged to speak in front of the congregation. The church service didn’t start early because we’ve waited until the choir was done practicing their number in the parsonage.


[Image source:]

Anyway, the Pastor who preached in front of us is from another church in town and the scriptural topic he tackled is True Worship Offer to God and scripture reading can be found in Genesis 22: 1-10 when Abraham worship God through offering Isaac.  The new pastor shared that true worship is a systematic way of obedience, a rendition of service, act of sacrifice and a sign of celebration. We are told too that everyday is a worship day and it isn’t only Sunday because when we are doing good things to others we are worshiping God so which means service isn’t only mean temple worship and it doesn’t only mean singing. Attitude matters, singing is just an ingredient of worship the most important thing is the word of God.

Pastor R says too that when something is done repetitively, it means importance so when someone repetitively asked how are you doing or if you are doing alright, it means you are very important to them.

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