Cat Being Bullied

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My family owns few cats some of them are homeless cats that were adopted. Lebron was the tiny little cat that was given  to my sister by her professor’s family when they worked with their thesis at their house. He was very cute and chubby then, right now he looks pitiful because the chickens in our backyard loves picking him and he always ended up on pitiful situation.

Pitiful Cat

It seems the chickens loved picking Lebron eyes, I have already suggested to my mother that they should buy Eye-Mo or red eyes formula.

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One Response to “Cat Being Bullied”

  1. Kundera says:

    Oh poor Lebron. I hope this will not continue as those chickens can poke Lebron’s eyes and she will get blind. Pls tell your mum to make sure that those chickens will not get closer to Lebron. We have 9 domesticated cats 3 of them grew up with us and 6 of them we have rescued. They also want to hand around in our poultry at the back who I keep some of my imported chickens from the Philippines .Our chicken from the Philippines are a little bit spicy sometimes in comparison to the local cambodian chicken. But I love them all. Look after Lebron please.
    Theres actually a drop that you can get from the vet its called fenicol. this is good for Lebron’s eye.

    Cheers !

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