Travel and Places December 28th, 2010 | 3 Comments »
Hi folks, how’s life? How’s your Christmas? Blogging here from Bangladesh, currently we are here in Khulna in one of their top ends hotel. We are going to take a six hour bus later to Dhaka, so while killing our time just messing around inside the business center. It’s a long bus trip but we have no choice every hour counts, we can’t wait for another day just to take the local plane to Dhaka. So approximately we are going to arrive Dhaka early in the morning and then fly to Chittagong.
Just finished our advance dinner too, darn I am bloated and had a take out of my food too, maybe it will served as packed dinner tonight at the bus (lol). Wish me luck that I don’t pee on my pants, hahaha. I have a lot of stories to tell when we got home. Well more pictures too but of course it will be on my travel blog, right?
So as for now I am wishing you a Happy New Year!
[ Tagged In ] Bangladesh, Bangladesh Travel, Bangladesh Vacation, Travel, Traveling
Travel and Places December 22nd, 2010 | 5 Comments »
Hello everyone, hope you all got a lovely day today. I had a pretty busy day today cleaning some mess here and doing laundry actually it is not finish yet, have to clean more stuff and do another load tomorrow. I’ll be out for blogging for nine(9) days, we had our flight to Malaysia tomorrow evening but we need to leave our place in the afternoon and had a last bus going to the airport. After our flight we need to fly again to Bangladesh and finally visit some historical mosque’s and temples. Oh well I need to pack my things tonight and it is so stressful so leaving all of you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

See you guys next year!
[ Tagged In ] Bangladesh, Bangladesh Travel, Bangladesh Vacation, Travel, Traveling
Travel and Places December 8th, 2010 | No Comments »
Went to Seoul yesterday and it was really a tiring day. I asked Pookie bear to set the alarm clock for me at eight o’clock but I wake up ten minutes before it rings. Well I ate my breakfast so I will have an energy and I left our apartment quarter to nine and walk to the bus station which is twenty minutes away from us. The bus left at nine thirty in the morning, I arrived in Express bus terminal one hour after we left the moment I arrived I called Emelyn on the public phone, she said she is already in the subway so am I. So I boarded the train and had one transfer, when I arrived in meeting place she’s not yet there, I waited five minutes and she’s there with her high heeled boots. We walked through the Bangladesh Embassy which we thought closed because the door our wooden and not glass where you can see if there’s people inside, we went to the third floor and there we found another door with a tag “Always close the door”,I thought it is the application area, I’ve opened it without knocking (bad) there we found a man (maybe it was the Ambassador), he told us its on the first floor the door with tag “Consular”. After saying thank you we left. Darn didn’t tried to open that door because I thought that’s where the Ambassador stays (dork) what I am looking is the word “Visa Section” but did not find it. So we open it and we’re late, they just accept visa application during the morning, 9:30 -11:30. Anyway the officer there was kind enough to entertain me, ask what is my purposed and so on., then I found out that we need itinerary if we can’t produce an invitation letter from someone in Bangladesh (that’s what I told from Pookie bear the night before I left to Seoul but he said its not needed).
I was told too that Pookie bear also need to apply personally and not just me to bring his applications form which pertain a problem because he has class and Seoul is far from we are. When I asked the officer that Canadian can get visa upon arrival, he said it is much better to get it here in Korea because they can also denied him in the airport. They don’t care what’s the nationality of the person entering their country., I’ve told him Filipino before also don’t need a visa to enter Bangladesh as what it is stated in Wikipidea before the changes occurred and as the embassy told us when we emailed them. He said no, Filipino needs a busy as what he understand since a long time ago (lol). So I asked again if what days they are open if Monday to Friday or what, the officer I guess is already pissed off of me he said the office hours in the morning then seconded with the office days. I say thank you and return to my friend waiting for me in the benches. Then the guy speak on a foreign language where the other Bangladeshi laughs, I don’t know what are they talking but I felt offended. Anyway its their embassy, country we are planning to spend our vacation and that’s how friendly they are, and well maybe they’re also offended when we just came in to their office without a word so c ‘est lavie.
Anyway there are times I feel degraded when someone know I am a Filipino now I can’t blame other Filipino’s why they want to be white and look smart. World is not fair, it has no four equal sides but a plane curve everywhere equidistant from a given fixed point, a circle.
[ Tagged In ] Bangladesh, Bangladesh Embassy, Bangladesh Embassy Seoul, Bangladesh Visa Application, Expat Life, Itaewon, Living in Korea, Plan to Travel, Seoul, South Korea, Visa Application Bangladesh