Pets and Home March 27th, 2011 | 4 Comments »

Meet “Blackie”, I don’t know what’s his name I just called him Blackie every time I saw him around the neighborhood. I think the store owner in the corner owns him, because that’s where I saw him at night, he is busy smelling for food in the garbage bag when I throw some egg cartoons, just so lucky I brought my camera as we are going to the gym, he posed for me but he looked quite unhappy. His cute, isn’t it?

[ Tagged In ] Black Dog, Blue Monday, Dog in Korea, Expat Life, Expat Living, Korean Dog, Living in Icheon, Living in Korea, Living in South Korea, South Korea
Travel and Places March 1st, 2011 | 4 Comments »
Today is holiday here in Korea to celebrate Samiljeol, it is the national holiday commemorating the March 1 Independence Movement of 1919 when Korea stood up against Japan’s colonial rule.
So if you’re going to walk outside you can see Korean flag in every post along the street. Photo below was taken last night when we go to the gym.
As it is holiday today Pookie bear and I decided to go to the gym this afternoon but when we arrived in the gym it is closed. So no choice but to return home, along home I took another photo of Korean flag it is along our neighborhood. Two houses has a flag on their gates.,
[ Tagged In ] Blue Monday, Ruby Tuesday