Victim of Playful Revenge from my Husband

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Last night while I am in our bathroom I have noticed the pink color in our floor indicating our bathroom is already dirty so I immediately get  a sponge and a bleach. My husband didn’t like what I am doing not because I am cleaning the bathroom late at night but because I am cooking the chicken for his meal and I am not attentive into it.

So he told me to look after the food I am cooking in the kitchen so I immediately turn off the water and went in our kitchen.  Hours passed by and he need to brush his teeth when he turn on the faucet in our bathroom sink the water flows in to the shower rather than in the sink, unprepared he got wet and  angry at me believing that I intended to left the shower on.

I didn’t know that he planned something like revenge so when its my time to brush my teeth before we sleep I was surprised when the shower is on instead of the faucet, it looks like I took a bath because my clothes are very wet.  My husband laugh hard upon hearing me yelling inside the bathroom, what happened is he really focused the head of the shower to the sink to make sure I am going to be wet and I did especially I turn on the faucet on its maximum current, he also hide the controller by adjusting the faucet controller to the left. I have no choice but to change my clothes.

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