Chicken Kimchi Stew

As what I have said before I love experimenting with food, these past few days I have been tired eating adobo, chicken or pork. I want to try another dish and we have nothing here but kimchi so I tried to cook chicken and kimchi the other day and the result was great. I’m loving it!

Chicken Kimchi Stew

Pookie bear says it doesn’t look good, so I told him to try it because it tasted good but he won’t do it because he said he is on a diet. After few hours I found two chicken bones in the sink  and then my food container is almost empty, well your guess is right as mine Pookie bear cannot resist the temptation so I told him about his diet he just said he will ate small amount in the evening than the usual amount, he is  also using the soup to his scrambled egg. So as of today I have cooked another chicken kimchi stew and someone’s gonna drool over it. Lol!

My ingredients:

Chicken, Kimchi, Salt, Black pepper, Oil, Onion, Garlic, Water


  • In a  sauce pan or in a pot sauté garlic and onions on cooking oil.
  • Add the chicken to the pan. Friend it a little then add the kimchi and stir.
  • Add water enough for the chicken to boil.
  • Seasoned it with salt and black pepper.
  • Wait until the chicken became  tender.
  • Serve hot with plain rice.
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