Kimchi A Lot of Work

It is been few months already since we bought Kimchi from the supermarket but since last week we started to buy and eat Kimchi again.  So in short my cooking escapades in our kitchen rolled again, you know frying eggs with kimchi or fried rice and etc.

Just tonight I just finished cutting the kimchi into pieces which is required hard work (lol) what I mean lot of work, need to clean the kitchen for the splattered Kimchi juice, wash the dishes and the Kimchi bag before throwing it in the garbage. If I am not going to wash it the whole apartment will stinks like Kimchi.

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Our Apartment Stinks Like Kimchi

Today is just another busy day, I wake up at noon time. After earning points on my adgitize account I have to start cooking, yeah right stressing.

Anyway our apartment stench again that I need to close the bathroom door, it seems the people in the second/third floor is making kimchi because it stinks like one. We are on the ground floor so I guess when they washed their dish and the water went to the drain the gas went up. Yesterday it also stinks like garlic and kimchi, then later afternoon I found out that there are people having barbecue party in the garage so probably they prepared kimchi for their barbecue party and washes the dishes today.

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Rice, Fried Eggs and Kimchi

As what I have said to my other blog I am starving myself because of being a picky eater, I usually ate late but its being more late lately, so you are not going to be surprised if I keep telling “I don’t feel well” because I just ate when I my head is already aching (lol), as my Pookie bear always says “You always don’t feel well!” Yeah, right so there’s nothing new about it, I think I have been eating eggs for almost a week, boiled eggs and fried eggs, no scramble eggs so lazy to cut onions and garlic. Haha, what I mean I don’t like it except there’s tomatoes which I forgot to buy the last time we shop.

Maybe you are asking what’s happening to me, all I can say is I am craving for vegetables, pinakbet, ginatang langka, laing, ginisang monggo or ginatan, chopsuey, malunggay, kamote tops, kangkong, oh well I want to eat vegetables especially green leafy vegetables, call me a goat but I love munching leafy vegetables. I also want to eat fresh fish with soup (sinabawan), ginata or paksiw and yeah even prito. I never eat fish here, because Pookie bear don’t like the smell so imagine my food here it is always meat and chicken (because I already retired eating noodles) which we seldom eat in the Philippines, maybe that’s the reason why I weigh too much. I ate vegetables but it is just squash which is too hard to peel, I don’t like their eggplant here it is too old, that the seeds are fully grown up. Ahhh, I missed my vegetarian meal. Someone please  send me a bowl of cooked vegetables kahit saluyot or kangkong pa yan, I am thankful already. He-he

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