Take-out from Chai Wok

We had a take-out of Chinese food from Chai Wok today dunno what comes to my husband mind, he just told me last Friday that his last cheat before our juice fasting is the pizza but he really pig-out. Last night we had ice cream and pre-heated chicken from GS25.


I ordered  set A, which consist of Beijing Style Sweet and Sour Pork with Sweet Potatoes plus Korean Style black noodles, then an order of Chinese Style Noodles of Clean and Light Taste and last but not the least Stir Fried Rice with chicken. I was not able to take a picture of sweet and sour pork when it was full, as my husband already took his share.


I guess it is almost half a year since the last time we ate Chinese food  as we always went for sandwich and cream cakes. And well after taking out Chinese food I went across Paris Baguette to buy some cookies, but I also ended up buying  cup cakes, sort of ice cream cakes and chocolates.


Little that he’d know I pay for the Paris Baguette stuff so he just keep eating the sweet one’ when he asked me if  what do I like  and I say anything, haha. Well, yeah that’s my treat for him desserts not the chocolates though. Haha! Anyway he didn’t eat all of the sweet ones upon knowing I pay for it.

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Chinese Food for Valentines Dinner

Hi guys been busy lately, we had dinner date tonight to celebrate Valentines day in advance because 14th will be on Monday and Pookie bear has to work and he is also on diet during weekdays. So we headed to grill house at the second floor of Kim’s Club Mart it is buffet grill house, so as we open the door we find out it is a restaurant where you are going to sit in the floor and it is quite full so we retreated because Pookie bear don’t like the idea of sitting in the floor. So we just headed inside the Kim’s Club Mart and look for something we are gonna like I ended buying something.

Slice Pork with Sauteed Pimentos

Since the plan didn’t work out Pookie bear asked me where I want to eat, to make it short we ended to eat in  Chai Wok a Chinese restaurant for Valentine’s Dinner. Look at the plate below isn’t it a heart? Just on time for Valentines day huh?

Stir-fried rice with chicken

After eating dinner we went to Lotte Super looking for dental floss we’ve been looking for it since last week but we cannot find in the nearby stores. After it we headed to the supermarket we usually shop, and this is what I got with other house supplies…

A bar or bars of chocolates?

When we passed along Barunson a gift shop with a lot of big teddy bears Pookie bear asked me if I want one when I pointed the store to him, I say no. I am just being practical that we cannot carry a lot of stuffs whenever we planned to left Korea in the future.

Pookie bear says just think that our Valentines dinner is our buffet dinner in Seoul.

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