Market Day in Icheon and Shopping at Daiso

Since we moved in Shinha-ri I seldom go to Icheon downtown, I only visit once a week when there’s no frozen chicken breast anymore for my husband daily meal. Unlike when we still lived in downtown Icheon, I can wander around three or four times a week to shop, go to the gym and pay the bills.

Icheon Traditional Market

If I felt like walking the long way I get off at the Seolbongsan bus stop and from there I walk to the shopping streets back to the bus terminal where I should get off on the first place.  That’s what I did last Sunday, I walk through the traditional market to shopping streets, every Sunday is market day so the market was full of people, selling and buying local food.

Shopping Loot from Daiso Icheon

When I am around the market I always went to Daiso to check what’s new and if there’s an item that interests me, when I saw bubble wrapped displayed outside I immediately took one roll, I need it for wrapping my box and probably could use it too to wrap our windows to avoid cold air entering our apartment.  Daiso was quite busy there’s a lot of Christmas shoppers and just ordinary shoppers, every time I visit Daiso my first stop is the school supplies aisle. I picked some oil pastel colors, my godson’s in the Philippines will like them, I will include them in the box I need to send home in a few months time. Aside from oil pastel colors I bought other stuff like color sand, clay, pens, shoe laces, colorful makeup case comb and earphone.

Most of the items I bought I don’t need like color sand, the makeup case, shoe laces, clay and pens. I just bought them because  I found them cute, cheap and colorful, hopefully my family will find a use for them. If you will ask my husband about my shopping loots these are junks and I am just wasting my money.

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New Meat Shop Opened in Icheon Public Market

I woke up so late today but we are going to sleep early as we are going to wake up very early tomorrow, it is holiday tomorrow as it is the 100th Anniversary of the school. So we are finally going to hike, we have to leave here around five o’clock in the morning. Dunno if we are going to wake up without saying, let’s do it another day!


By the way here’s my share of yellow for today, picture of a newly open meat shop in the market, I have found it when we shopped at Kim’s Mart and seeing the air balloon or what ever you may call it, it is perfect for Mellow Yellow Monday!

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