Shopping Online and Using The New Korean Address

Patiently waiting, paranoid and never mind. Haist I have ordered 32G USB online last Friday and it is on request until yesterday, late last night it was already on delivery and I am expecting to receive it tonight but until now nobody knocks or ring our doorbell that makes me paranoid every time I’ve heard a car/truck outside.

Dunno if the delivery man will find our new address, I guess there’s no problem if I have used our old address but since it is already 2012 I’ve decided to use the new address that was given to us by mail. We have new address because the Korean government change their address system, naming the streets and building which started on 1997 and will start effect this year, it says the new address system is  for convenience purposes where the numbering is based on street names. Oh well I think I have  to wait until tomorrow.

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