Finding What is Lost and Returning Them to Its Rightful Place

What would you do if you find something that is lost? That something is what you really like and you already formed a bond with it, then suddenly the rightful owner comes along. Are you going to keep it or are you going to let go of it?

Keeping it might not be a bad idea, because you didn’t steal it. It isn’t your fault that the rightful owner isn’t mindful of his pets, things and possessions, the owner probably just realized the importance of the object/animals when it is gone, but you as a person who also lost things/pets without finding them back, you know and understand the feeling of emptiness, so you will return that thing you found, no matter how you liked it, because you know in yourself, you will not be happy owning it when you know that someone is crying over it and who know maybe that thing you found, wanted to be reunited with its rightful owner as well, you may never know because animals/things can’t speak, isn’t it? All you need is closure and peace of mind that you didn’t aggravate/hurt someone.

Anyway, on New Years eve one of my cats came home tagging along two cute kittens with her. My older cousin ‘s daughter able to grab the smallest kitten and was handed to me, while the second one is scared and can’t be caught. The kitten is starving so I feed her and when I woke up in the morning to check the kitten, in my surprised I found the second kitten sleeping with the first one, I fed them both with milk and food and bathed them both because they are dirty and full of lice.

It has been almost four days since the kittens were in my care, but I never heard anyone searching for them. I guess I can keep and love them, but honestly I am scared thinking that someone will take them from me anytime, but I know if someone look for them and wanted them back, I have to let go of these two cute kitties to their rightful owner.

Read more at  The Best New Year Gift Ever – Two White Cute Kittens Came Over on New Year’s Eve

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Being a Cat Person is Partly Inherited: Cats and More Cats in my Aunt’s House

A day before our  scheduled trip back home, we are fetched by an uncle to visit an aunt’s house in a subdivision.  He initially told us that he well fetches us at eight o’clock in the morning, but it was almost lunch time when he came, it turns out he was too drunk to wake up early.

When we arrived at my aunt’s house, lunch was already waiting for us. My mother who is already so hungry dig in immediately (lol), I took my time taking pictures than eating lunch, hence I am a bit full and I really don’t have a strong appetite to eat the past few days.

Well, after lunch we scan a bit inside my aunt’s house and see her precious Persians cats who are so untamed so I am only able to take photo of one of them.  My aunt has so many cats,  both with the breed and not. It turns out, we are both “kitten picker” I mean we are both animal lovers and we both picked abandon kitten from the street. She has more than 10 cats to date, all neutered. My father even blurted out, now he knew where I got the attitude of being a kitten lover.  I showed her the pictures of my cats and my aunt almost buy me a Persian cat from her friend, but unfortunately her friend wasn’t around when we went to their house, they are currently in Manila for a visit.

Since, we’ve been talking about visiting the infamous monastery in Tarlac, we decided to head up there after my younger uncle came, he is just a year older to me and I remember being scolded by him when we are still kids, when I didn’t wait for him after school and I went home with the neighboring kids, it turns out he look hard for me that time.

It was a good thing too, my aunt German husband woke up, so she is able to ask permission that we are going to the monastery for a short period of time. As a PH custom, I have to do “mano po” gesture to my foreigner uncle whom I just met. My aunt introduces me and says my husband was an “Australian” which I corrected three times since she mentioned it three times as well, dunno what they were talking because I can’t understand German language at all.

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Dealing with Leaving My Pets Behind

It was yesterday, when my sister complained that it was hard for her to bath my dog. It turns out Jae Hwan doesn’t want to be bathed and today, she messages again that my dog isn’t eating. With this, I told her to call me in IMO when she came home from work late afternoon and let Jae Hwan see me, and let me see Whitey (my cat) too.

When, I was told that my dog doesn’t want to eat. I feel anxious because the first time I move out the house and went to Korea, all my cats died like they have missed me.  I have read somewhere that pets feel sad and depressed when they can’t see their human anymore, they grieved silently. I made sure when I left Odiongan a few days ago to informed Whitey that I will leave, but will be returning to them, while didn’t really tell Jae Hwan where am I going, I just told her to stay.

As told, my sister called early in the evening with Jae Hwan in tow. She moves a lot whenever I called out her name and keeps hiding in my sister’s back, don’t know what my dog is thinking.  Is she hated me or she just don’t want to see me because I didn’t tell her where am I going or if I am returning home. Meanwhile, Whitey, is more obedient, when you called her name she will keep looking at me with her two big eyes.

My guilt of leaving my pets behind is eating me up, my grandmother has two cats, but they are not the same pets I have at home, when I saw Jae Hwan and Whitey I have the thought of wanting to go home.

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Saving and Adopting Four White Kittens from Being Abandon

A few months ago when my younger sister went to see one of the management for the volleyball tournament in our barangay which is a distant relative to confirm when will be their next game and when she went home she has three white kittens in a plastic basket.

It turns while she was asking confirming for the game schedule she saw the kittens playing and blurted out that they are cute and that’s where she was told if she want them because they will throw them in a few days and since we are looking for a white kitten to the extinct that we run after the homeless white cats in the public market my sister took them home without hesitation.

When my mother saw the kitties as usual she complained for having too many cats already at home, we already have ten cats and now there is another three but when I bathed them she was the first one who babies them.   My sister says that they are all four white kitties but the fourth one hid under the chairs and they can’t catch it so she was told to take it next time.

After a few days my sister return to their house to get the fourth kitten, contrary what she had told us that the last kitty was small and isn’t cute at all. The fourth kitty is a biggest, the chubbiest one and the cutest of them all because of his blue eyes and I named him Rueh.

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Two Black Kittens from Manila

We travel to the nearest city so my younger sister can take an exam for work purposes. After the exam we headed to Manila, we stayed in a relative’s house for few days. They have large cats and kittens since they have happened to have a breed from their former cats, and we are given kittens to bring home. We choose to bring the two black kittens because the third kitten is still untamed and it might create trouble when it is accidentally gone out of the box.

Black Kittens
I was able to bring the kittens without problem in the bus and ferry; I made sure they are well ventilated and feed. They are so adorable, I have to tie one of them on their first day at home because they might wander around and the surrounding is still unfamiliar to them and I am afraid to lost them both.

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Friendship Between Kangchi and the 3 Little Kittens

One of the most important parts of being a new pet owner is doing the research on how to be a responsible pet owner. Make sure you learn the proper feeding and grooming techniques to care for your little one.

Cute Kittens and Puppy

Well, it is an old the tale that cats and dogs are enemies. I bet to disagree because my dog (Kangchi) and my three kittens get along together. On the first day of the three kittens in our house they are scared of Kangchi, I think it’s because it’s their first time to get along. But the second day, as I am feeding them w/ rice and some fish with milk to my surprise they eat together. And an hour ago, I saw them lying on the pillow I gave to Kangchi. They eat together, sleep together and play together.

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New Kitten: Gwiyomi

Meet the new kitten of our family, Gwiyomi.  It was given to my sister by our church mate when she saw my sister carrying one of our kittens and they she was asked if she want another kitten which she said yes and when they returned after the mass they are already carrying a cute orange kitten.

Cute Kitten

It has no name yet so when my sister asked me what’s going to be her name I immediately answered “Gwiyomi”  as it the new trend of music and I think the name fits to her.

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Adopting Homeless Cats

My sister informed that they have new cats, they adopted two homeless cats. They found the cats on the side of the street while they are on the way home. They brought them home and feed them, my sister says they are starving. They are tamed cats because my sister were able to give them a good bath, they are just  on leash so they won’t stow away.

Homeless Cats

Adopting homeless cat is not the first time my family did this, when my sister and I found a tiny cat on the street we also brought the cat home.

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Looking After a Poorly Cat

Cats are well known for their independence and ability to look after themselves. So what do you do when your cat seems to need your help more than ever? An ill cat can be distressed or lacking in energy so you need to do your best at keeping your pet calm and happy.

Skin Issues

Cat with Skin Problem

 For cats with skin complaints caused by common problems such as fleas, bacterial infections and allergies care for them by bathing their sore or itchy patches in cool salt water. Alternatively you can apply an ice pack to relieve any discomfort to your cat’s skin. It is a good idea to also put an Elizabethan collar around your cat’s neck to stop him from licking the affected area. Flea treatment might also be an effective way of eliminating the fleas that still exist within the fur. For skin problems that turn septic or excrete an unpleasant smelling puss, an antibiotic treatment from the vet will likely need to be used.


Cat Drinking Milk

Cats are more likely to become dehydrated when they are really young or elderly. If your pet has been vomiting for more than 24 hours, it is vital that you seek help from a vet straight away as dehydration can be potentially very dangerous. It is also a good idea to take a look at multi pet insurance when budgeting for those unexpected vet costs.  However if your cat’s vomiting is less serious and occurs much less frequently, you should try not feeding him for at least 12 hours after the vomiting has stopped. After this, you could try feeding your poorly pet a tiny piece of boiled chicken or white fish and offer a slightly larger portion 2 hours later if this is tolerated.

Cat Flu


Mouth ulcers are a common result of cat flu and they make swallowing food uncomfortable and difficult. Ulcers that form on the eyes should be looked at by a vet as they can cause a lot of discharge around the area. Discharge can be wiped away from around the eyes and nose using a solution of warm salt water or Olbas Oil. A bunged up nose caused by this virus may also lead to loss of appetite for your cat as they are not tempted by the smell of the food. You could therefore try stronger smelling foods like pilchards to tempt them. It is also important to encourage them to eat by stroking them or grooming them. Finally, liquidising food will make swallowing easier for your cat in the case of ulcers caused by the virus. Also remember that if your cat has not eaten for more than 24 hours, you must call your vet.

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Give your cat the bed of luxury

Dogs may be man’s best friend but cats are our superiors. They have a way of looking at you with complete disdain but they are also loving and dangerously smart. Don’t underestimate the intelligence of your cat – a lot of them can open doors, get onto roofs and even find their way back to old houses hundreds of miles away. So treat your cats like the wonderful geniuses they are and buy them the best cat bed on earth.


It might seem like a strange theory but cats love the idea of igloo beds. It’s probably got something to do with the fact that the bed has a roof on it and cats have a thing for being enclosed. Don’t be surprised if you find yours has burrowed under the bed clothes and snuggled into the duvet when you’re not looking. Hairless cats in particular may feel the cold more so it’s logical that they’d want to be in the warmest place possible.

There’s also the option of tubular beds. These are particularly handy for kittens as their playful nature means they have the option of running around and turning their bed into a playground. An older cat probably has a more dignified nature so put a tube bed near to the cat’s favourite family member to make them feel a bit more secure.

Giant cushions

If you have a cat that doesn’t like to be covered, then this a more practical choice. Cushions make very useful travel beds because they’re easy to just sling in the car, or even rest on the seat. Cats aren’t the biggest fans of travelling so putting a cushion into the cat carrier may help to sooth them slightly on the journey.

If you have the space, put a soft, fluffy cat cushion by the radiator. Older cats in particular will be glad of the extra heat and will enjoy curling up somewhere soft. It may also stop them from pulling your laundry off the radiator, a common problem with some cats. There are some cushion-type beds that can actually be put in the microwave to heat them up. This is fantastic for the colder winter months or the odd chilly day when you don’t want to put the heating on.

Basket-style beds

If you have more than one cat, they may like to snuggle up together. If this is the case, a regular cat bed may not be large enough to fit. They might try to squash themselves in together anyway, but why should they be uncomfortable if you have the option of buying a larger bed? Something without a roof on gives your cats more freedom to move around and get themselves in the perfect position.

Choose something with a quilted fabric to ensure the cats can stay warm. Dog beds don’t tend to have as much padding in them so stick to one designed specifically for felines. There are some on the market that have detachable pillows so one of these is ideal for the winter months. The pillow can then be taken out when the weather improves to keep your cats cool in the warmer weather

About the Author: Cat (and dog) owner Lauren Sutton writes this article on behalf of pet accessories supplier Easy Animal. When not playing with her cat, Lauren can often be found instructing him off the sofa into his own bed!

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