Food and Recipes December 14th, 2013 | No Comments »
Fried rice is one of the best popular variant of cooking rice and one of my favorite food to eat. The other day while I am preparing fried eggs for my meal I decided to cook garlic fried rice because eating simple meal like eggs and rice is very tiring already, so I chopped a lot of garlic and onions to cook my meal and use two eggs and one piece sausage as my toppings.
My ingredients:
- Rice, garlic, onion, cooking oil, sausage, eggs, salt and pepper.
Cooking garlic fried rice is very simple, all you have to do is saute the onion and garlic until brown, add the sausage then fry a little and add the rice, mixed all together and drop one egg and cooked until brown or you desire. Fry one egg and top it in top of the fried rice and serve hot.
[ Tagged In ] Breakfast, Breakfast Food, Eggs, Fried Rice, Fried Rice Menu, Fried Rice Recipes, Garlic Fried Rice, Rice, Sausage
Home and Cooking April 23rd, 2011 | 5 Comments »
This is my meal the other night, Kimchi Fried Rice. It’s been a while since I ate this fried rice so I decided to make one for me after preparing Pookie bear’s meal. Well I also cooked sauteed squash in soy sauce yesterday, there’s a bit left hopefully I can finished it before it get spoiled.
My ingredients:
Rice, kimchi, garlic, onion, salt, oil and eggs
- Saute the garlic and onion
- Put the kimchi, mixed it with the onions and garlic and cooked for few minutes
- Add the rice (steamed) and mix it all together
- Then add eggs continue mixing it like frying a normal fried rice
- Seasoned it with salt to taste
- Serve hot.
[ Tagged In ] Cooking, Expat Life, Expat Living, Fried Rice Recipes, Kimchi, Kimchi Fried Rice, Kimchi Fried Rice Recipes, Korean Food, Korean Fried Rice, Living in Icheon, Living in Korea, Living in South Korea, South Korea, Yummy Fried Rice