Home and Cooking May 2nd, 2013 | No Comments »
Nothing really special with my adobo today I just cooked in sprite, add eggs and carrots. I was already tired eating normal adobo, it was kind of salty for me as the soy sauce and venigar in Korea are quite strong compare to the Philippines which soy sauce usually is sweeter.

I would like to add broccoli to my adobo but the supplies we had in the fridge is not enough so I just ate the broccoli raw while eating rice with my viand adobo.
[ Tagged In ] Chicken Adobo, Chicken Adobo with Sprite, Chicken Recipes
Food and Recipes February 19th, 2013 | No Comments »
I want to try different preparation for my chicken adobo, I remember when I am in grade six in our Home Education class we cooked adobo with pineapple and I like it very much. I already forgot the name of it but we used spare ribs on that cooking class, so while we are shopping I have ask my husband if it is okay if I buy can of pineapple circles he agreed so I got one.

Cooking this dish is very easy, just cook adobo the way you cook it and add the pineapple tidbits when it is already boiling.
My Ingredients:
chicken, garlic, onion, cooking oil, soy sauce, vinegar, salt and water
- Saute the garlic and onion until brown, add the chicken and mix them together
- Add vinegar and boil a little then add soy sauce and water
- Let it cooked and when it is already boiling drop the chicken tidbits and a little amount of the juice
- Cooked it until you desired, best served with hot cup of rice.
[ Tagged In ] Adobo, Chicken, Chicken Adobo, Pineapple
Home and Cooking April 1st, 2011 | 3 Comments »
This is what I have cooked the other day and now it is in the garbage pail, well not all just the left over which is supposed to be my meal today. What happened? A huge bear throw it in the sink, just when I wake up he perfectly told it to me, he said it is my fault for not keeping it in the fridge as what I am told to do so but hello it’s adobo, it was cooked with vinegar and won’t spoil easily. So mean, so I have nothing to eat today but eggs, I don’t feel like eating spam eh.
Chicken, soy sauce, vinegar, black pepper, potatoes, oil, onion, garlic, water

- Saute the the garlic and onion
- Add the chicken let it brown a litte
- Add the vinegar and let it boil then add the soy sauce and do the same
- Add enough water after wards, seasoned it with black pepper
- And when it is near to cook add the potatoes
- Serve hot with rice
[ Tagged In ] Adobong Manok, Chicken Adobo, Expat Life, Expat Living, Filipino Dish, Korean Chicken, Living in Icheon, Living in Korea, Living in South Korea