Chocolates and Baked Goods from My Mother-in-Law

We maybe loss some pounds in India when we got traveler’s diarrhea but we gain more pounds when we arrived here in Korea. You know why? Well because of the sweets we have eaten for weeks, the day we arrived here we found three notices from post office stick in our door, so we immediately went to the nearby postal office but it turns out it is in the main branch. So we took a taxi to get there, the lady in the satellite office wrote the address for us, you might think we are too excited that we can’t wait tomorrow to claim the box. Actually we have to claim it because of the water filters, we need water to drink and I don’t like buying bottled water when we have filters on the box.


These chocolates are from my mother in-law, they are goodies that are sold during  Halloween days.  My husband asked mom to buy these chocolates for me us, because we are drooling for some sweets during those time, it was shipped through surface that’s why it took two months before it arrived to us.

Magic Bars

Few weeks later the baked goods from my mother in-law arrived in our apartment. We are not done yet eating all the goodies and there’s another goodies for us to lure. So imagine all the calories intake or sugar we have eaten in few days.  I have managed to control myself from eating the chocolates and sweets so the last part of my share was just eaten yesterday. Thanks to Mom and Dad for the sweets and thoughts!

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Harabang Jeju Tangerine

I am being pre-occupied these days, it looks like there are no days that I am feeling busy, I called it feeling because I don’t know if it meet the standards of the word busy. Lol! I almost forgot it is Orange Tuesday yesterday, I am one day late again. Anyway here’s my share, Catlaine bought this for me us when we visited National Museum Korea when we first meet alone, I mean just the two of us without the big bears. I could say it is the best tangerine chocolate I ever tasted, so yummy!


We went inside the souvenir shop, I bought a small notebook and she bought chocolates, four of this and she gave the two to me and the other two to her. Thanks again sis!

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Chocolates and Freebies from Canada

Hi guys its been a while, yesterday the box from my Mother-in-law arrived. Pookie bear told me not to open it, so when he arrived he asked me if the box arrived, I replied no and then he started whining, haha. Then when he enter the room and see the box behind the door, he laughs upon knowing I am good timing him. As usual he won’t open it and keep teasing me, it smells good and etc.,as I am also excited to know what’s inside I keep insisting to let me see it, but the more I insist the more he won’t open the box. So when I told him I am not interested to know what’s inside and never gave him a single look while he is teasing me, he opened it immediately.


The box contains 2 shirts, few under wears, chocolates and my stuff. As it is not my clothes I am not authorize to take photo of them . Lol!


These are my stuffs, samples from different companies which I mailed to Canada, when I asked him if he asked Mom to mail them, he replied no so I am so happy when they are included in the box.


I thought these perfumes are on a bottle but I was wrong they are just a tiny drop on a small sachet.

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Boxes of Chocolates and Bottles of Vitamins from Canada

At last the box was finally opened this afternoon, when Pookie bear arrived he is grinning to me while looking at his box, his so called “Christmas gift”. He ate his meal first before trying to envy me and testing my excitement, well I know how to play his game. I act like I am not interested to know what’s inside and I focus on my online task, so he surrendered teasing me and he finally open the box smelling it first and telling me it smells good something smells good inside. He took first the vitamins, flax seed oil, deodorant and his trash errr I mean his over 100 pages of documents for his genealogy program which he bought online and delivered in Canada. Yes, he is buying some records online and  paying for someone to take picture of his ancestors tomb stones. That’s how dedicated my husband with his genealogy, I think he can kill me if I ever ruin his program. Lol! One time I have asked him how much he already spend with his trash, pardon me but that’s the word I used trash. As it was expected he didn’t answer to me in short he was angry with me. So lesson learned I have to be very careful with my words and terms so I will not hurt his feelings.

Anyway when everything is out he finally took one box of chocolates, then one more and more until the chocolates became four boxes. He handed it to me and I just stare with it, thinking if I am going to eat or just saved it until it melts. I say thank you after wards, at first I thought it is my mother in-law who bought it and send it to me, not until my husband told me I did not say thank you  to him for buying chocolates for me. I think he did not heard it because it is not too loud anyway I am reserving my thank you to my in-laws (lol).

So I jokingly told him, “Oh its you, I thought it’s Mom” and laugh.  Anyway I said thank you for the second time enough for him to hear it. I am still undecided if I am going to eat the chocolates or not, call me dork but that’s how things work for me. I am just contented looking at my stuff and when I feel bored I ate or used them. Maybe that’s how it works when you are raised in a family that eating meat is already a luxury, haha. When I told my husband that I can’t eat the chocolates he told me “Eat them or I will eat them”  of course I’m scared I know how he ate, darn my chocolates will only last one day to him. So I open one box and start eating them, I also bring few to the gym while doing some work-out I am munching chocolates. Silly my work-out is no use at all, so as of now  one box is almost down. They tasted like curly tops but a way better than it I supposed maybe if I am living in Canada I will buy these chocolates everyday because they are cheap for $1. Hehehe

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I ♥ Chocolates

Everybody loves chocolate and I am one of those. As of now this is my favorite chocolate not just because it is cheap but it is yummy and creamier. W300 ($0.27) per piece.

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