Home and Living November 24th, 2011 | 1 Comment »
Finally the box I’ve sent to Philippines last Friday arrived today to my family. I thought it is already gone missing because when I tracked it the last information the box arrived in the Philippines and nothing else.

My sister is so happy upon seeing pringle’s in the box, she said it’s been a long time since she’s been asking our mother to buy her pringle’s so the pringle’s I’ve sent is just on time. One of the souvenirs I’ve sent was broken so they just glued it. Maybe the box was not carried carefully or they just throw it away (sigh). Oh well the good thing is the box still arrived., my worried feeling for it is gone.
[ Tagged In ] EMS, EMS Box, EMS Korea, Expat Living, Icheon, Icheon Gyeonggi-do, Icheon-si, Korea, Korea Post, Life in Korea, Living in Icheon, Living in Icheon Gyeonggi-do, Living in South Korea, Sending Package in Korea, Seoul
Home and Fitness, Home and Living June 2nd, 2011 | 4 Comments »
Oh well it’s Thursday today, day for nostalgic past. I really have nothing to be nostalgic I mean no specific photo, as I am always forgetful I am in kind of feeling of devastation, hatred to myself and etc., guess what? Well it is still nostalgic because while digging into my photos something reminds me to check.
I have mention many times I am have been busy downloading my photos from Friendster, so I have deleted the albums once I am done downloaded them to avoid confusion but there are some albums I have deleted without downloading them thinking that I have a soft copy in my computer, especially those photo taken here in Korea and few photos taken on our wedding day which is not too clear as they are taken by a not so good phone but the fact that is memories it is very important.

[Photo courtesy of geralt/pixabay.com]
So I look to my folders and I can’t find copy of those photos, it feels like I wanna pull my hair. I am so darn dork and last night too I am looking for my the word document of my Anything and Everything blog as I copy them online then all of sudden I can’t find them then I remember I have deleted few files the other day to free space and I can’t remember if they are included, I am really disturbed last night that I don’t want to go to sleep, as I am adding those blogs to my other blogs. You know I got another idea, that is to scheduled post. Yeah, my blog post are scheduled except in this one of course.,
In my age of 24 I already have memory loss how much more when I am already in my thirties, huhuhu. Darn I guess I need to eat a lot of clams and shells to help me gain memory. Oh well, I have find the word document because the moment I wake up I started browsing all my folders but the fact that my photos are still missing in action makes me say “Ihhhhh” so angry. I have mailed the box to Philippines today with the help of Pookie bear as I can’t carry it alone, and another memory loss occurred. On the box I wrote our address without the Province name as I forgot about it I just noticed it when I check it, but I can’t add it as there’s no more space and today in the postal office, I forgot to write our city’s name on the paper. Lol!
By the way, I am little sick right now, it looks like the big bear transfer his colds to me. He is so happy that he is feeling well and keep telling how he feels good right now. Lol!
[ Tagged In ] EMS Icheon, EMS Korea, Expat Life, Expat Living, Icheon, Icheon Gyeonggi-do, Icheon Post, Icheon Postal Office, Korea, Korea Post, Life in Korea, Living in Icheon, Living in Icheon Gyeonggi-do, Living in Korea, Living in South Korea, Memory Loss, Nostalgia Thursday, Sending Package Home
Home and Living, Home and Shopping May 14th, 2011 | 3 Comments »
Hi guys its been a while, yesterday the box from my Mother-in-law arrived. Pookie bear told me not to open it, so when he arrived he asked me if the box arrived, I replied no and then he started whining, haha. Then when he enter the room and see the box behind the door, he laughs upon knowing I am good timing him. As usual he won’t open it and keep teasing me, it smells good and etc.,as I am also excited to know what’s inside I keep insisting to let me see it, but the more I insist the more he won’t open the box. So when I told him I am not interested to know what’s inside and never gave him a single look while he is teasing me, he opened it immediately.

The box contains 2 shirts, few under wears, chocolates and my stuff. As it is not my clothes I am not authorize to take photo of them . Lol!

These are my stuffs, samples from different companies which I mailed to Canada, when I asked him if he asked Mom to mail them, he replied no so I am so happy when they are included in the box.

I thought these perfumes are on a bottle but I was wrong they are just a tiny drop on a small sachet.
[ Tagged In ] Canada Samples, Canadian Chocolates, Chocolates, Chocolates from Canada, Easter Chocolates, Expat Life, Expat Living, Goodies from Canada, Korea Post, Living in Icheon, Living in Korea, Living in South Korea, Mother-in-law, Package from Canada, Product Samples, Product Samples from Canada