Home and Shopping September 13th, 2013 | No Comments »
I am being forgetful these days, it was been a few weeks already since I shopped alone for our groceries. Yesterday I decided to go to Lotte Super first before shopping at the Nong Hyup Supermarket as I want to buy a jar of peanuts or sunflower seeds. I am almost at Lotte Super when I remember that I forgot to bring my husband’s wallet instead of going home I just went inside and look for the food I want I still have few wons on my wallet. But of course I have to go home again to get the wallet as my money is not enough for groceries unlike those times I forgot to bring my husband’s wallet I have cash on me.

[Lotte Super in Shinha-ri, Icheon]
When I opened our door, my husband immediately asks me if I forgot something and he started laughing on how did I forget to bring the money. Lol, Anyway I went to Nong Hyup and shopped for groceries all I bought for myself is milk as I think I have enough food for one more week.
[ Tagged In ] Korean Lotte Super, Korean Supermarket, Living in Korea, Living in South Korea, Lotte Super, Nonghyup Supermarket, Shopping in Korea, Supermarket in Icheon, Supermarket in Shinha-ri
Home and Shopping April 23rd, 2011 | 2 Comments »
My Goal is to Loss Weight so after gym yesterday I weigh myself again and to my depression instead of losing weight I am gaining, Pookie bear says it is because of my diet. He laughed at me after knowing my weight because I laughed at him when to told me he loss 2 pounds.

I have told him I am gonna loss 5 kilos in one month (lol), anyway as it is are cheat day yesterday we went to Nong Hyup instead to Kim’s Club Mart where we usually goes during Friday. My goal of losing weight already forgotten, I grab few cakes (bread) and potato chips. So wish me luck girls, I already slowly dropped eating chocolates and as of now I am craving for ice cream but being penniless stopped my craving and Pookie bear seems helping me 🙁
[ Tagged In ] Korea Shopping, Korean Bread, Korean Cake, Korean Cake Breads, Korean Snack, Living in Icheon, Living in Korea, Living in South Korea, Melon Soft Roll, Nonghyup Supermarket, Nonghyup Supermarket Shopping, Potato Chips, Strawberry Marble Cake, White Soft Roll
Home and Shopping March 21st, 2011 | 8 Comments »
We had a long day today, Pookie bear and I wander around to look for laptop and a DSLR camera but we are not able to find one. So we decided to go to E-Mart just by walking, its our first time to go without taking a taxi and so lucky that we are able to find the right direction. It took us 35 minutes just by walking, when we got there we didn’t find anything as well so decided to go home and Pookie bear bought two tiny box of pizza for me. We also walk home that’s why I am very tired tonight.

After few hours Pookie bear he feel like eating meat, so we went to Nonghyup Super Market to buy meat then he thought of getting an electric grill, the meat has seasoning already and ready to be grilled or barbecue. We had fun while cooking, after eating our bounty, we re-design the things here inside our apartment. Pookie bear also fixed our closet, so we don’t need the clothes rack anymore.
[ Tagged In ] Electric Grill, Korean Grill, Living in Icheon, Living in Korea, Living in South Korea, Nonghyup, Nonghyup Supermarket, Nonghyup Supermarket Shopping, Shopping